Univ.-Prof. i. R. Dr. Gerhard Jentzsch

Prof. Dr. Gerhard Jentzsch

Foto: IGW

Univ.-Prof. i. R. Dr. Gerhard Jentzsch

Kontakt:  E-Mail

Tel.: ++49-(0)3641 - 9-48600

Personal information

Prof. Dr. Gerhard Jentzsch

Institute for Geosciences, University of Jena 

Born: 6th of July 1946, Taucha / Leipzig, Germany; Male

Family status:

  • married to Birgit Jentzsch, 3 children


  • 1966 Abitur at the Albert-Schweitzer-Gymnasium, Offenbach/Main, Germany (University entry qualification)
  • 1971 Diploma in Geophysics, Technical University of Clausthal, Germany
  • 1976 PhD in Geophysics, Science Faculty, Physics, Technical University of Clausthal, Germany

Positions held:                     

  • research scientist, TU Clausthal, 1971 to 1977
  • Assistant / Assistant Professor, Free University of Berlin, Institute for Geophysics, 1977 to 1987
  • completion of professor thesis (Habilitation) in 1985
  • Professor for Applied Geophysics, Geological Institute, University of Bonn, 1987 to 1990
  • Professor for Geophysics, Institute for Geophysics, Technical University of Clausthal, 1990 to 1996
  • Visiting scientist at the Institute for Earthquake Research, University of Tokyo (with JSPS, 1996)
  • Full Professor and Chair for Applied Geophysics, Institute for Geosciences, University of Jena (starting in 1996, retirement 2011)


Research foci

Special interests:

  • Earth tides and ocean tidal loading
  • Gravity field analyses and stress / deformation modelling
  • Seismicity and deformation
  • seismic hazard of nuclear installations
  • Physical Volcanology


The department runs the Geodynamic Observatory Moxa and the East-Thuringia Seismological Network. The Geodynamic Observatory Moxa is equipped with a superconducting gravimeter, and, thus, belongs to the station network of the Global Geodynamics Project. It is also a station of the ECGN (European Combined Geodetic Network) and the GRSN (German Regional Seismic Network).

On the basis of the East-Thuringian Seismological Network he was and still is involved in swarm earthquake evaluation, especially in the area Vogtland / NW-Bohemia.

He was member of the so-called Advisory Board for the Termination of Nuclear Energy Use (Provincial Ministry for the Environment in Lower Saxony), and member of the German siting committee to develop a procedure for the search for a site for the German nuclear repository (German Federal Ministry of the Environment, 1999 to 2002), from 2009 to 2013 he was member of the Nuclear Waste Management Commission of the same Federal Ministry. Since 1990 he was involved in the estimation of earthquake hazards for different nuclear power plants and companies handling nuclear material in Germany, Czech Republic, France and USA.

He was active in national and international scientific organisations: Organisation of several special sessions at international meetings; chairman of different working groups of the Earth Tide Commission of the IAG, organising several workshops over 20 years; co-operations with foreign scientists, China and Japan (starting in 1986), Fennoscandia, Russia, Hungary, Poland; appointment as Fellow of the IAG in 1991; he was President of the German Geophysical Society and President of the FKPE, the Board of German Geophysical Institutions; he was the President of the Earth Tides Commission of the IAG (two terms 2003 to 2007 and 2007 to 2011).



  • German Geophysical Society
  • American Geophysical Union
  • Deutsche Vulkanologische Gesellschaft.


  • Jentzsch, G., R.S. Punongbayan, U. Schreiber, G. Seeber, C. Völksen, and A. Weise, 2001. Mayon volcano, Philippines: Change of monitoring strategy after microgravity and GPS measurements. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 109/1-3, 219 - 234.
  • Jentzsch, G., A. Weise, C. Rey, and C. Gerstenecker, 2004. Gravity changes and internal processes - some results obtained from observations at three volcanoes. PAGEOPH, special issue on "Geodetic and geophysical effects associated to seismic and volcanic hazards". PAGEOPH, 161, 1415 - 1431
  • Jentzsch, G., M. Korn, and A. Špičák, 2003 (Eds.). The swarm earthquakes in the area Vogtland / NW-Bohemia: Interaction of tectonic stress and fluid migration in a magmatic environment (Editorial). J. Geodyn., 35 / 1-2, 1 - 3.
  • Hofmann, Y., T. Jahr, and G. Jentzsch, 2003. Gravimetric modelling and studies of the gravity field of the Vogtland area and its surroundings. J. Geodyn., 35 / 1-2, 209 - 220.
  • Kurz, J., T. Jahr and G. Jentzsch, 2004. Earthquake swarm examples and a look at the generation mechanism of the Vogtland/Western Bohemia earthquake swarms. Phys. Earth Planet. Int., 142, 75 - 88.
  • Jahr, T., Letz, H. & Jentzsch, G., 2006. TheASKANIA borehole tiltmeter array at the KTB location / Germany. In: Jentzsch, G. (Ed.) Earth Tides and Geodynamics: Probing the Earth at Sub-Seismic Frequencies, J. of Geodynamics, Vol. 41, 1-3,190 - 197.
  • Saleh, S., T. Jahr, G. Jentzsch, A. Saleh, and N.M. Abou Ashour, 2006. Crustal evaluation of the northern Red Sea rift and Gulf of Suez, Egypt from geophysical data: 3-dimensional modelling. J. African Earth Scs., 257 - 278. doi:10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2006.02.001Externer Link
  • Zahran, K.H., Jentzsch, G., and Seeber, G., 2006. Accuracy assessment of ocean tide loading computations for precise geodetic observations. J. of Geodynamics, 42, 159 - 174.
  • Jahr, T., G. Jentzsch, A. Gebauer, and T. Lau, 2008. Deformation, seismicity, and fluids: Results of the 2004/2005 water injection experiment at the KTB/Germany, J. Geophys. Res., 113, B11410, doi:10.1029/2008JB005610.
  • Torizin, J., G. Jentzsch, P. Malischewsky, J. Kley, N. Abakanov, A. Kurskeev, 2009. Rating of seismicity and reconstruction of the fault geometries in northern Tien Shan within the project "Seismic Hazard Assessment for Almaty". In: Jentzsch, Jahr, Kroner, Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Earth Tides, Jena, 1 - 5 September 2008. J. of Geodynamics 48, Nos. 3-5, pp. 270 - 279.
  • Steffen, R., H. Steffen, and G. Jentzsch, 2011. A three-dimensional Moho depth model for the Tien Shan from EGM2008 gravity data. Tectonics VOL. 30, TC5019, doi:10.1029/2011TC002886.
  • Hegewald, A., G. Jentzsch, and T. Jahr, 2011. Influence of temperature variations on the noise level of the data of the LaCoste & Romberg Earth Tide gravity meter ET18. G-cubed, Vol. 12, No. 4, 8 pp, doi:10.1029/2010GC003432.
  • Vajda, P., I. Prutkin, R. Tenzer, and G. Jentzsch, 2012. Inversion of temporal gravity changes by the method of local corrections: A case study from Mayon volcano, Philippines. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 241-242, pp 13-20.
  • Hortencia F,H., P. Malischewsky, and G. Jentzsch, 2013. H/V spectral ratio analysis and Rayleigh modelization in Eastern Thuringia, Germany. Geofísica Internacional 52-4: 355-364.
  • Abe, M., C. Kroner, C. Förste, S. Petrovic, F. Berthelmes, A. Weise, A. Güntner, B. Creutzfeldt, T. Jahr, G. Jentzsch, H. Wilmes, H. Wziontek, 2012. A comparison of GRACE-derived temporal gravity variations with observations of six European superconducting gravimeters. Geophys. J. Int. 191(2), 545-556. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2012.05641.xExterner Link
  • Köther, N., H.-J. Götze, B.D. Gutknecht, T. Jahr, G. Jentzsch, O.H. Lücke, R. Mahatsente, R. Sharma, S. Zeumann, 2012. The seismically active Andean and Central American margins: Can satellite gravity observations be used to study lithospheric structure and asperity mapping? J. Geodyn. 59-60, 207-218, doi: 10.1016/j.jog.2011.11.004Externer Link.
  • Weise, A., C. Kroner, M. Abe, B. Creutzfeldt, C. Förste, A. Güntner, J. Ihde, T. Jahr, G. Jentzsch, H. Wilmes, H. Wziontek, S. Petrovic, 2012. Tackling mass redistribution phenomena by time-dependent GRACE- and terrestrial gravity observations. J. Geodyn. 59-60, 82-91, doi: 10.1016/j.jog.2011.11.003Externer Link.
  • Zeumann, S., R. Sharma, R. Gassmöller, T. Jahr, and G. Jentzsch, 2014. New Finite-Element Modelling of Subduction Processes in the Andes Using Realistic Geometries. Proc. IAG Gen. Ass., Melbourne, Australia, June 28 - July 2, 2011. IAG Symposia 139, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp 105 - 111, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-37222-3_13.
  • Queitsch, M., G. Jentzsch, A. Weise, H. Ishii, and Y. Asai, 2014. Pumping Induced Pore Pressure Changes in Tilt Measurements Near a Fault Zone in Mizunami, Japan. Proc. IAG Gen. Ass., Melbourne, Australia, June 28 - July 2, 2011. IAG Symposia 139, Springer, pp 113 - 118, IAG Symposia 139, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp 105 - 111, doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-37222-3_14.
  • Jentzsch, G., R. Ricker, A. Weise, A. Capra, M. Dubbini, and A. Zanutta, 2014. Micro-Gravity Measurements in NorthernVictoria-Land, Antarctica: A Feasibility Study. In: C. Rizos and P. Willis (eds.), Earth on the Edge: Science for a Sustainable Planet, International Association of Geodesy Symposia 139, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp 429 - 434, doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-37222-3_57.
  • Gutknecht, B. D., H.-J. Götze, T. Jahr, G. Jentzsch, R. Mahatsente and St. Zeumann, 2014. Structure and state of stress of the Chilean subduction zone from terrestrial and satellite-derived gravity and gravity gradient data. Surv. Geophys., doi: 10.1007/s10712-014-9296-9.