Juraj Majzlan

Juraj Majzlan

Foto: Juraj Majzlan

Meine Forschungsinteressen

  • Thermodynamik der Minerale, Gläser und anorganischen Substanzen
  • Vorkommen, Kristallstrukturen und chemische Zusammensetzung der sekundären Minerale
  • Mineralogie, Geochemie und Biogeochemie der Bergbauabfälle
  • Mineralogie und Entstehung der Erzlagerstätten


  • Kurzlebenslauf

    Prof. Dr. Juraj Majzlan

    geboren am 4. August 1973 in Bratislava                                                                

    Berufliche Laufbahn

    2009 –

    Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena: Professor (W3)

    2004 – 2009

    Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg: Wissenschaftlicher Assistent (C1)

    2002 – 2004

    Princeton University, New Jersey, USA: Hess Postdoctoral Fellow

    1998 – 2002

    University of California at Davis, USA: Research and Teaching Assistant

    1996 – 1997

    Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia: Research and Teaching Assistant

    1995, 1997

    Visiting Researcher, Universites of Budapest (HU) and Copenhagen (Denmark)

    1991 – 1996

    Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia: Undergraduate Student



    Habilitation Mineralogy and Geochemistry

    Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg

    Thema: Thermodynamics, speciation, and crystal chemistry of

    acid mine drainage systems


    PhD Geology

    University of California at Davis, USA

    Dissertation: Thermodynamics of Iron and Aluminum Oxides

    Betreuer: Prof. Alexandra Navrotsky


    Diploma Mineralogy

    Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia

    Thema: Ore mineralizations in the Mlynna dolina

    Betreuer: Prof. Martin Chovan

  • Administrative Tätigkeiten

    Allgemeine universitäre Verwaltungsaufgaben

    Mitglied des Fakultätsrats 2010 – 2014

    Vorsitzender des Prüfungsausschusses am Institut für Geowissenschaften 2013 – September 2019

    Redaktionelle Tätigkeiten

    Associate Editor – Chemie der Erde - Geochemistry

    Associate Editor – Mineralogical Magazine

    Editorial Board Member – APGEO

    Editorial Board Member – European Journal of Mineralogy

    Advisory Board Member – Physics and Chemistry of Minerals

    Wissenschaftliche Verwaltungsaufgaben

    Member of ANKA Users’ Committee 2011-2013

    Secretary of European Mineralogical Union, 2013-

    Mitgliedschaften in wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaften

    Deutsche Mineralogische Gesellschaft

    Geochemical Society

    Mineralogical Society of America

  • Gutachtertätigkeiten

    Gutachter für Zeitschriften

    ACS Omega, Acta Chimica Slovenica, Acta Crystallographica B, American Journal of Science, American Mineralogist, Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, Canadian Mineralogist, Chemical Geology, Chemie der Erde – Geochemistry, Chemistry of Materials, Chemosphere, Clays and Clay Minerals, Contaminant Hydrology, Crystal Growth & Design, Economic Geology, Engineering in Life Sciences, Environmental Chemistry, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Environmental Science and Pollution, Environmental Science & Technology, European Journal of Mineralogy, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Geochemical Journal, Geologica Carpathica, Geosciences, International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, Journal of Czech Geological Society, Journal of Environmental Management, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Journal of Hydrology, Journal of Metamorphic Geology, Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences (Japan), Journal of Molecular Structure, Journal of Petrology, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, Materials Letters, Mineralia Slovaca, Mineralogia, Mineralium Deposita, Naturae Tutela, Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, Proceedings of the National Academy of USA, Pure and Applied Chemistry, RSC Advances, Thermochimica Acta

    Gutachter für wissenschaftliche Monographien

    Nuclear Energy Agency (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development)

    Gutachter für Förderanträge

    Natural Environmental Research Council (UK), Swiss National Science Foundation, National Science Foundation (USA), Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, OTKA (Hungarian Funding Agency), Georg-Forster Forschungs-Stipendiumprogram of the Humboldt Foundation, US Department of Energy (USA), National Science Centre (Poland), Grant Agency of Czech Republic

  • Publikationen - Eckdaten und Bücher


    • 137 Publikationen (peer-reviewed) (Stand Dezember 2020)
    • 2669 Zitationen (ohne Selbstzitate) (Stand May 2020, Web of Science)
    • h-index von 27
    • Über 200 Abstrakt- und Konferenzbeiträge (Stand Dezember 2020)


    • Übersetzung "Manual of Mineralogy" (C. Klein, Wiley (2002), 666 Seiten) ins Slowakische
    • Übersetzung "Introduction to Geomicrobiology" (K. Konhauser (2006), 386 Seiten) ins Slowakische

    Bücher, Buchkapitel, Lehrtexte und Monographien

    Majzlan, J., 2006: Mineralógia. Preklad anglického originálu Manual of Mineral Science, C. Klein, Wiley (2002). Vydalo vydavateľstvo Oikos-Lumon, Bratislava, 666 s. ISBN 978-80-968535-5-4

    Majzlan, J., 2012: Minerals and Aqueous Species of Iron and Manganese as Reactants and Products of Microbial Metal Respiration. In: J. Gescher and A. Kappler (eds.), Microbial Metal Respiration, doi 10.1007/978-3-642-32867-1_1, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

    Majzlan, J., Majzlan, O., 2016: Základy geomikrobiológie. Preklad anglického originálu Konhauser, K., 2006: Introduction to Geomicrobiology. Vydalo Vydavateľstvo Univerzity Komenského, Bratislava, ISBN 978-223-3799-1.

    Plášil, J., Majzlan, J., Krivovichev, S.V. (editors), 2017: Mineralogical Crystallography. EMU Notes in Mineralogy, volume 19.



  • Publikationen - Artikel
    1. Uher, P., Chovan, M., Majzlan, J., 1994: Vanadian-chromian garnet in mafic pyroclastic rocks of the Malé Karpaty Mts., Western Carpathians, Slovakia. The Canadian Mineralogist 32, 319-326.
    2. Majzlan, J., Ozdín, D., 1995: Cu-Pb-Bi sulfosoli z Nízkych Tatier. Mineralia Slovaca 27, 290-292.
    3. Chovan, M., Póč, I., Jancsy, P., Majzlan, J., Krištín, J., 1995: Sb-Au (As-Pb) mineralizácia ložiska Magurka, Nízke Tatry. Mineralia Slovaca 27, 397-406.
    4. Majzlan, J., Chovan, M., 1997: Hydrotermálna mineralizácia v Mlynnej doline, Nízke Tatry. Mineralia Slovaca 29, 2, 149-158.
    5. Majzlan, J., Chovan, M., Michálek, J., 1998: Rudné telesá na Rišianke a Malom Železnom: Minerálne zloženie a paragenézy. Mineralia Slovaca 30, 1, 52-59.
    6. Orvošová, M., Majzlan, J., Chovan, M., 1998: Hydrothermal alteration of granitoid rocks and gneisses in the Sb-Au Dúbrava deposit, Western Carpathians. Geologica Carpathica 49, 5, 377-387.
    7. Chovan, M., Majzlan, J., Ragan, M., Siman, P., Krištín, J., 1998: Pb-Sb and Pb-Sb-Bi sulfosalts and associated sulphides from Dúbrava deposit, Nízke Tatry Mts. Acta Geologica Universitatis Comenianae 53, 37-49.
    8. Hurai, V., Gazdačko, Ľ., Ferenčíková, E., Majzlan, J., Repčok, I., 1999: Pôvod rudonosných fluíd žilných sideritových ložísk Gretla, Jedľovec a Rudňany (Spišsko-gemerské rudohorie). Mineralia Slovaca 30, 423-430.
    9. Majzlan, J., Navrotsky, A., Casey, W.H., 2000: Surface enthalpy of boehmite. Clays and Clay Minerals 48, 6, 699-707.
    10. Hurai, V., Janák, M., Ludhová, L., Horn, E.-E., Thomas, R., Majzlan, J., 2000: Nitrogen-bearing fluids, brines and carbonate liquids in Variscan migmatites of the Tatra Mountains, Western Carpathians heritage of high pressure metamorphism. European Journal of Mineralogy 6, 1283-1300.
    11. Grevel, K.-D., Navrotsky, A., Kahl, W.-A., Fasshauer, D.W., Majzlan, J., 2001: Thermodynamic data of the high-pressure phase Mg5Al5Si6O21(OH)7 (Mg-sursassite). Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 28, 475-487.
    12. Majzlan, J., Hurai, V., Chovan, M., 2001: Fluid inclusion and mineralogical study on hydrothermal As-Au-Sb-Cu-Pb-Zn veins in the Mlynná dolina valley (Western Carpathians, Slovakia). Geologica Carpathica 52, 277-286.
    13. Grevel, K.-D., Navrotsky, A., Fockenberg, T., Majzlan, J., 2002: The enthalpy of formation and internally consistent thermodynamic data of Mg-staurolite. American Mineralogist 87, 397-404.
    14. Majzlan, J., Navrotsky, A., Evans, B.J., 2002: Thermodynamics and crystal chemistry of the hematite – corundum solid solution and the ternary phase FeAlO3. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 29, 515-526.
    15. Majzlan, J., Makovicky, M., Makovicky, E., Rose-Hansen, J., 2002: The system Fe-Pt-S at 1100 °C. The Canadian Mineralogist 40, 509-517.
    16. Majzlan, J., Navrotsky, A., Neil, J.M., 2002: Energetics of anhydrite, barite, celestine, and anglesite: A high-temperature and differential scanning calorimetry study. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 66, 1839-1850.
    17. Majzlan, J., Chovan, M., Michálek, J., 2002: Mineral and chemical composition of the ores at the Dve Vody (Sb-Au-Pb-Cu) deposit, Western Carpathians. Slovak Geological Magazine 8, 21-36.
    18. Majzlan, J., Navrotsky, A., Woodfield, B.F., Lang, B.E., Boerio-Goates, J., Fisher, R.A., 2003: Phonon, spin-wave, and defect contribution to the low-temperature specific heat of a-FeOOH. Journal of Low Temperature Physics 130, 69-76.
    19. Fialips, C.-I., Majzlan, J., Beaufort, D., Navrotsky, A., 2003: New thermochemical evidence on the stability of dickite vs. kaolinite. American Mineralogist 88, 837-845.
    20. Majzlan, J., Lang, B.E., Stevens, R., Navrotsky, A., Woodfield, B.F., Boerio-Goates, J., 2003: Thermodynamics of iron oxides: Part I. Standard entropy and heat capacity of goethite (a-FeOOH), lepidocrocite (g-FeOOH), and maghemite (g-Fe2O3). American Mineralogist 88, 846-854.
    21. Majzlan, J., Grevel, K.-D., Navrotsky, A., 2003: Thermodynamics of iron oxides: Part II. Enthalpies of formation and relative stability of goethite (a-FeOOH), lepidocrocite (g-FeOOH), and maghemite (g-Fe2O3). American Mineralogist 88, 855-859.
    22. Majzlan, J., Navrotsky, A., 2003: Thermodynamics of the goethite-diaspore solid solution. European Journal of Mineralogy 15, 495-501.
    23. Majzlan, J., Navrotsky, A., Schwertmann, U., 2004: Thermodynamics of iron oxides. Part III. Enthalpies of formation and stability of ferrihydrite (~Fe(OH)3), schwertmannite (~FeO(OH)3/4(SO4)1/8), and e-Fe2O3. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 68, 1049-1059.
    24. Majzlan, J., Stevens, R., Boerio-Goates, J., Woodfield, B.F., Navrotsky, A., Crawford, M., Burns, P., Amos, T.G., 2004: Thermodynamic properties, low-temperature heat capacity anomalies, and single crystal X-ray refinement of hydronium jarosite, (H3O)Fe3(SO4)2(OH)6. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 31, 518-531.
    25. Uhlík, P., Majzlan, J., 2004: Conditions of mixed-layer illite-smectite formation at the deposit Dolná Ves on the southwest margin of Kremnica stratovolcano. Mineralia Slovaca 36, 331-338. (in Slovak)
    26. Majzlan, J., Myneni, S.C.B., 2005: Speciation of iron and sulfate in acid waters: Aqueous clusters to mineral precipitates. Environmental Science and Technology 39, 188-194.
    27. Majzlan, J., Botez, C., Stephens, P.W., 2005: The crystal structures of Fe2(SO4)3(H2O)5 and the type specimen of lausenite. American Mineralogist 90, 411-416.
    28. Majzlan, J., Navrotsky, A., Stevens, R., Donaldson, M., Woodfield, B.F., Boerio-Goates, J., 2005: Thermodynamics of monoclinic Fe2(SO4)3. Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 37, 802-809.
    29. Grevel, K.-D., Kahl, W.-A., Majzlan, J,. Navrotsky, A., Lathe, C., 2005: Thermodynamic data of magnesiochloritoid. European Journal of Mineralogy 17, 587-598.
    30. Bluhm H., Andersson K., Araki T., Benzerara K., Brown G. E., Dynes J. J., Ghosal S., Gilles M. K., Hansed H. –Ch, Heminger J. C., Hitchcock A. P., Ketteler G., Kilcoyne A. L. D., Kneedler E., Lawrence J. R., Leppard G. G., Majzlan, J., Mun B. S., Myneni S. C. B., Nilsson A., Ogasawara H., Ogletree D. F., Pecher K., Salmeron M., Shuh D. K., Tonner B., Tyliszczak T., Warwick T., Yoon T. H., 2005: Soft X-ray microscopy and spectroscopy at the molecular environmental science beamline at the Advanced Light Source. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 150, 86-104.
    31. Majzlan, J., Navrotsky, A., McCleskey, B., Alpers, C.N., 2006: Thermodynamic properties and crystal structure refinement of ferricopiapite, coquimbite, rhomboclase, and Fe3(SO4)2(H2O)5. European Journal of Mineralogy 18, 175-186.
    32. Majzlan, J., Speziale, S., Duffy, T., Burns, P.C., 2006: Single-crystal elastic properties of alunite, KAl3[(OH)6(SO4)2]. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 33, 567-573.
    33. Majzlan, J., Kiefer, B., 2006: An X-ray- and neutron-diffraction study of synthetic ferricopiapite, Fe14/3(SO4)6(OD,OH)2(D2O,H2O)20, and ab initio calculations on the structure of magnesiocopiapite, MgFe4(SO4)6(OH)2 (H2O)20. The Canadian Mineralogist 44, 1227-1237.
    34. Botez, C.E., Chianelli, R.R., Zhang, J., Qian, J., Majzlan, J., Pantea, C., 2006: Evidence for a structural transition to a superprotonic CsH2PO4 phase under high pressure, in Materials in Extreme Environments, edited by C. Mailhiot, P.B. Saganti, D. Ila (Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings, Warrendale, PA, 2006), paper 0929-II02-01.
    35. Majzlan, J., Mazeina, L., Navrotsky, A., 2007: Enthalpy of water adsorption and surface enthalpy of lepidocrocite (γ‑FeOOH). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 71, 615-623.
    36. Nielsen, U., Majzlan, J., Phillips, B., Ziliox, M., Grey, C.P., 2007: Characterization of defects and the local environment in natural and synthetic alunite (K, Na, H3O)Al3(SO4)2(OH)6 by multi-nuclear solid-state NMR spectroscopy. American Mineralogist 92, 587-597.
    37. Majzlan, J., Lalinská, Chovan, M., B., Jurkovič, L., Milovská, S., Göttlicher, J., 2007: The formation, structure, and ageing of As-rich hydrous ferric oxide at the abandoned Sb deposit Pezinok (Slovakia). Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta 71, 4206-4220.
    38. Botez, C.E., Hermosillo, J.D., Zhang, J., Qian, J., Zhao, Y., Majzlan, J., Chianelli, R.R., Pantea, C., 2007: High-Temperature Phase Transitions in CsH2PO4 under Ambient and High-Pressure Conditions: A Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction Study. Journal of Chemical Physics 127, 194701.
    39. Hiller, E., Veselská, V., Majzlan, J., 2007: Arsenic mobility in stream sediments and impoundment material as evaluated by column and batch experiments. Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics 55, 223-235.
    40. Majzlan, J., Michallik, R., 2007: The crystal structures, solid solutions and infrared spectra of copiapite-group minerals. Mineralogical Magazine 71, 557-573
    41. Majzlan, J., Grapes, R.H., 2007: Minerals of the concentric nodules from the vicinity of Heřmanov near Velké Meziříčí. Bulletin of the Mineralogical-Petrological Section of the National Museum in Prague
    42. Navrotsky, A., Mazeina, L., Majzlan, J., 2008: Size-driven structural and thermodynamic complexity in iron oxides. Science 319, 1635-1638.
    43. Nielsen, U.G., Majzlan, J., Grey, C.P., 2008: Identification of local environments in defect jarosite (AFe3(SO4)2(OD)6, A = D3O, Na, K) samples by 2H MAS NMR spectroscopy. Chemistry of Materials 20, 2234-2241
    44. Jiang, F., Majzlan, J., Speziale, S., He, D., Duffy, T.S., 2008: Single-crystal elasticity of diaspore, AlOOH, to 12 GPa by Brillouin scattering. Physics of Earth and Planetary Interiors 170, 221-228.
    45. Majzlan, J., Bender Koch, C., Navrotsky, A., 2008: Thermodynamic stability of feroxyhyte (d’-FeOOH). Clays and Clay Minerals 56, 527-531.
    46. Hurai, V., Göttlicher, J., Majzlan, J., Huraiová, M., 2008: Contrasting ferric iron contents in natural conjugate Fe-oxide and silicate melts determined using micro-XANES spectroscopy. The Canadian Mineralogist 46, 1173-1181.
    47. Ackermann, S., Gieré, R., Newville, M., Majzlan, J., 2009: Mineral and chemical composition of the crust of weathering bullets from Swiss shooting ranges at Losone and Lucerne. Science of the Total Environment 407, 1669-1682.
    48. Ziegler, S., Ackermann, S., Majzlan, J., Gescher, J., 2009: Matrix composition and community structure analysis of a novel bacterial pyrite leaching community. Environmental Microbiology 11, 2329-2338.
    49. Majzlan, J., 2009: Ore mineralization at the Rabenstein occurrence near Banská Hodruša, Slovakia. Mineralia Slovaca 41, 45-54.
    50. Jankulár, M., Hiller, E., Jurkovič, Ľ., Veselská, V., Majzlan, J., 2009: Arsenic and zinc in impoundment materials and related stream sediments from a polluted area in eastern Slovakia: Distribution, mobility, and water quality. Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics 57, 200-211.
    51. Hiller, E., Jurkovič, L., Kordík, J., Slaninka, I., Jankulár, M., Majzlan, J., Göttlicher, J., Steininger, R., 2009: Arsenic mobility from anthropogenic impoundment sediments - consequences of contamination to biota, water and sediments, Poša, Eastern Slovakia. Applied Geochemistry 24, 2175-2185.
    52. Grevel, K.-D., Majzlan, J., 2009: Internally consistent thermodynamic data for magnesium sulfate hydrates. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73, 6805-6815.
    53. Ackermann, S., Armbruster, T., Lazic, B., Doyle, S., Grevel, K.-D., Majzlan, J., 2009: Thermodynamic and crystallographic properties of kornelite (Fe2(SO4)3·~7.75H2O) and paracoquimbite (Fe2(SO4)3·9H2O). American Mineralogist 94, 1620-1628.
    54. Majzlan, J., Chovan, M., Andráš, P., Newville, M., Wiedenbeck, M., 2010: The nanoparticulate nature of invisible gold in arsenopyrite from Pezinok (Slovakia). Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie Abhandlungen 187, 1-9.
    55. Majzlan, J., Glasnák, P., Fisher, R.A., White, M.-A., Johnson, M., Woodfield, B., Boerio-Goates, J., 2010: Heat capacity, entropy, and magnetic properties of jarosite-group compounds. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 37, 635–651.
    56. Majzlan, J., Ðorđević, T., Kolitsch, U., Schefer, J., 2010: Hydrogen bonding in coquimbite, nominally Fe2(SO4)3·9H2O, and the relationship between coquimbite and paracoquimbite. Mineralogy and Petrology 100, 241-248. doi 10.1007/s00710-010-0128-4
    57. Majzlan, J., 2010: Advances and gaps in the knowledge of thermodynamics and crystallography of acid-mine drainage sulfate minerals. Chimia 64, 699-704. doi 10.2533/chimia.2010.1
    58. Anawar, H.M., Garcia-Sanchez, A., Regina, I.S., Mihaljevič, M., Majzlan, J., Moyano, A., 2010: Assessment of arsenic fractionation, mobility, and bioavailability in mining-affected soils, and remediation measures. Land Contamination & Reclamation 18, 279-292, doi 10.2462/ 09670513.1001
    59. Majzlan, J., Lalinská, B., Chovan, M., Bläß, U., Brecht, B., Göttlicher, J., Steininger, R., Hug, K., Ziegler, S., Gescher, J., 2011: A mineralogical, geochemical, and microbiogical assessment of the antimony- and arsenic-rich neutral mine drainage tailings near Pezinok, Slovakia. American Mineralogist 96, 1-13, doi 10.2138/am.2011.3556
    60. Majzlan, J., Brecht, B., Lalinská, B., Chovan, M., Moravanský, D., Uhlík, P., 2011: Elemental and mineral inventory of tailing impoundments near Pezinok, Slovakia and possible courses of action for their remediation. Mineralogia 41, 55-74, doi 10.2478/v10002-010-0005-0
    61. Majzlan, J., Alpers, C.N., Bender Koch, C., McCleskey, R.B., Myneni, S.C.B., Neil, J.M., 2011: Vibrational, X-ray absorption, and Mössbauer spectra of sulfate minerals from the weathered massive sulfide deposit at Iron Mountain, California. Chemical Geology 284, 296-305. doi:10.1016/ j.chemgeo.2011.03.008
    62. Majzlan, J., 2011: Thermodynamic stabilization of hydrous ferric oxide by adsorption of phosphate and arsenate. Environmental Science & Technology 45, 4726-4732, dx.doi.org/10.1021/es1040249
    63. Grevel, K.-D., Majzlan, J., 2011: Thermodynamics of divalent metal sulfates. Chemical Geology 286, 301-306. doi 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2011.05 .016
    64. Nielsen, U.G., Heinmaa, I., Samoson, A., Majzlan, J., Grey, C.P., 2011: Insight into the local magnetic environments and deuteron mobility in jarosite (AFe3(SO4)2(OD)6, A = K, Na, D3O) and hydronium alunite ((D3O)Al3(SO4)2 (OD)6), from variable temperature 2H MAS NMR. Chemistry of Materials 23, 3176-3187, dx.doi.org/10.1021/cm2003929
    65. Klimko, T., Lalinská, B., Majzlan, J., Chovan, M., Kučerová, G., Paul, C., 2011: Chemical composition of weathering products in neutral and acidic mine tailings from stibnite exploitation in Slovakia. Journal of Geosciences 57, 327-340, doi: 10.3190/jgeosci.104
    66. Plášil, J., Fejfarová, K., Novák, M., Dušek, M., Škoda, R., Hloušek, J., Čejka, J., Majzlan, J., Sejkora, J., Machovič, V., Talla, D., 2011: Běhounekite, U(SO4)2(H2O)4, from Jáchymov (St. Joachimsthal), Czech Republic: the first natural U4+ sulphate. Mineralogical Magazine 75, 2739-2753, doi 10.1180/minmag.2011.075.6.2739
    67. Bolanz, R.M., Majzlan, J., Jurkovič, Ľ., Göttlicher, J., 2011: Mineralogy, geochemistry, and arsenic speciation in coal combustion waste from Nováky, Slovakia. Fuel 94, 125-136, doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2011.10.067
    68. Majzlan, O., Majzlan, J., 2011: Sociony chrobákov (Coleoptera) na halde lúženca z niklovej huti v Seredi. Naturae Tutela 15, 27-37.
    69. Majzlan, J., Drahota, P., Filippi, M., Grevel, K.-D., Kahl, W.-A., Plášil, J., Woodfield, B.F., Boerio-Goates, J., 2012: Thermodynamic properties of scorodite and parascorodite (FeAsO4·2H2O), kaňkite (FeAsO4·3.5H2O), and FeAsO4. Hydrometallurgy 117-118, 47-56, doi:10.1016/j.hydromet. 2012.02.002
    70. Lalinská-Voleková, B., Majzlan, J., Klimko, T., Chovan, M., Kučerová, G., Michňová, J., Hovorič, R., Göttlicher, J., Steininger, R., 2012: Mineralogy of the Fe-As-Sb weathering products in mine wastes and soils at several Sb deposits in Slovakia. Canadian Mineralogist 50, 481-500, doi 10.3749/canmin.50.1.000
    71. Jentzsch, P.V., Bolanz, R.M., Ciobota, V., Kampe, B., Rösch, P., Majzlan, J., Popp, J., 2012: Raman spectroscopic study of calcium mixed salts of atmospheric importance. Vibrational Spectroscopy 61, 206-213.
    72. Jentzsch, P.V., Ciobota, V., Bolanz, R.M., Kampe, B., Rösch, P., Majzlan, J., Popp, J., 2012: Raman and infrared spectroscopic study of synthetic ungemachite, K3Na8Fe(SO4)6(NO3)2·6H2O. Journal of Molecular Structure 1022, 147-152.
    73. Majzlan, J., Lazic, B., Armbruster, T., Johnson, M.B., White, M.A., Fisher, R.A., Plášil, J., Loun, J., Škoda, R., Novák, M., 2012: Crystal structure, thermodynamic properties, and paragenesis of bukovskýite, Fe2(AsO4)(SO4)(OH)·9H2O. Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences (Japan) 107, 133-148, doi 10.2465/jmps.110930
    74. Grevel, K.-D., Majzlan, J., Benisek, A., Dachs, E., Steiger, M., Fortes, A.D., Marler, B., 2012: Experimentally determined standard thermodynamic properties of synthetic MgSO4·4H2O (starkeyite) and MgSO4·3H2O; a revised internally consistent thermodynamic dataset for magnesium sulfate hydrates. Astrobiology 12, 1042-1054, doi 10.1089/ ast.2012.0823
    75. Majzlan, J., Schlicht, H., Wierzbicka-Wieczorek, M., Giester, G., Pöllmann, H., Brömme, B., Doyle, S., Buth, G., Bender, C.K., 2013: A contribution to the crystal chemistry of the voltaite group: solid solutions, Mössbauer and infrared spectra, and anomalous anisotropy. Mineralogy and Petrology 107, 221–233, doi 10.1007/s00710-012-0254-2
    76. Zittlau, A., Shi, Q., Boerio-Goates, J., Woodfield, B., Majzlan, J., 2013: Thermodynamics of the basic copper sulfates antlerite, posnjakite, and brochantite. Chemie der Erde – Geochemistry 73, 39-50, doi 10.1016/ j.chemer.2012.12.002
    77. Paktunc, D., Majzlan, J., Palatinus, L., Dutrizac, J., Klementová, M., Poirier, G., 2013: Characterization of ferric arsenate-sulphate compounds with implications on arsenic control in refractory gold processing residues. American Mineralogist 98, 554-565, doi.org/10.2138/am.2013.4342
    78. Plášil, J., Fejfarová, K., Hloušek, J., Škoda, R., Novák, M., Sejkora, J., Čejka, J., Dušek, M., Veselovský, F., Ondruš, P., Majzlan, J., Mrázek, Z., 2013: Štěpite, U(AsO3OH)2·4H2O, from Jáchymov, Czech Republic: The first natural arsenate of tetravalent uranium. Mineralogical Magazine 77, 137-152
    79. Plášil, J., Hloušek, J., Škoda, R., Novák, M., Sejkora, J., Čejka, J., Veselovský, F., Majzlan, J., 2013: Vysokyite, U4+[AsO2(OH)2]4·4H2O, a new mineral from Jachymov, Czech Republic. Mineralogical Magazine 77, 3055-3066.
    80. Veselská V., Majzlan J., Hiller E., Peťková K., Jurkovič Ľ., Ďurža A., Voleková - Lalinská B., 2013: Coal-combustion ashes buried under agricultural soil: Chemical composition and the release of arsenic. Applied Geochemistry doi.org/10.1016/j.apgeochem.2013.02.008
    81. Bolanz, R.M., Bläß, U., Ackermann, S., Ciobota, V., Rösch, P., Tarcea, N., Popp, J., Majzlan, J., 2013: The effect of antimonate, arsenate and phosphate on the transformation of ferrihydrite to goethite, hematite, feroxyhyte, and tripuhyite. Clays and Clay Minerals 61, 11-25, dx.doi.org/10.1346/CCMN.2013.0610102
    82. Schütze, E., Weist, A., Klose, M., Wach, T., Schumann, M., Nietzsche, S., Merten, D., Baumert, J., Majzlan, J., E. Kothe, E., 2013: Taking nature into lab: Biomineralization by heavy metal resistant streptomycetes in soil. Biogeosciences 10, 3605–3614. doi: 10.5194/bg-10-3605-2013
    83. Bolanz, R.M., Wierzbicka-Wieczorek, M., Uhlík, P., Čaplovičová, M., Göttlicher, J., Steininger, R., Majzlan, J., 2013: Structural incorporation of As5+ into hematite. Environmental Science & Technology 47(16), 9140–9147, DOI: 10.1021/es305182c
    84. Ziegler, S., Dolch, K., Geiger, K., Krause, S., Asskamp, M., Eusterhues, K., Kriews, M., Wilhelms-Dick, D., Goettlicher, J., Majzlan, J., Gescher, J, 2013: Oxygen-dependent niche formation of a pyrite-dependent acidophilic consortium built by archaea and bacteria. ISME JOURNAL 7, 1725-1737, DOI: 10.1038/ismej.2013.64
    85. Berkh, K., Majzlan, J., Chovan, M., Bakos, F., Kozák, J., 2014: Mineralogy of the Medieval Ag-Au occurrences Banská Belá, Treiboltz, Rabenstein, and Kopanice in the Banská Štiavnica ore district (Slovakia). Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie 191/3, 237-256, doi: 10.1127/0077-7757/2014/0259
    86. Majzlan, J., Fillipi, M., Drahota, P., 2014: Mineralogy and crystal chemistry of arsenic. Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry 79, 17-184, doi.org/10.2138/rmg.2014.79.2
    87. Nordstrom, D.K., Königsberger, E., Majzlan, J., 2014: Thermodynamic Properties for Arsenic Minerals and Aqueous Species. Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry 79, 217-255, doi.org/10.2138/rmg.2014. 79.4
    88. Bowell, R.J., Alpers, C.N., Jamieson, H.E., Nordstrom, D.K., Majzlan, J., 2014: The environmental geochemistry of arsenic - an overview. Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry 79, 1-16, doi.org/10.2138/rmg.2014.79.1
    89. Jerzykowska, I., Majzlan, J., Michalik, M., Göttlicher, J., Steininger, R., Błachowski, A., Ruebenbauer, K., 2014: Mineralogy of and speciation of Zn and As in Fe-oxide-clay aggregates in the mining waste at the MVT Zn-Pb deposits near Olkusz, Poland. Chemie der Erde - Geochemistry 74, 393-406. doi.org/10.1016/j.chemer.2014.03.003
    90. Kiefer, S., Majzlan, J., 2014: Mechanisms of crystal growth of hydrothermal pyrite. Canadian Mineralogist 52, 555-568, doi 10.3749/canmin.52.3.555.
    91. Majzlan, J., Plášil, J., Škoda, R., Gescher, J., Kögler, F., Rusznyak, A., Küsel, K., Neu, T.R., Mangold, S., Rothe, J., 2014: Arsenic-rich acid mine water with extreme arsenic concentration: Mineralogy, geochemistry, microbiology, and environmental implications. Environmental Sciences & Technology 48, 13685-13693, DOI: 10.1021/es5024916
    92. Paktunc, D., Huang, A., Majzlan, J., 2015: Synthesis and characterization of arsenates in the Ca-Fe(III)-As(V)-NO3 system: Implications on the formation of Ca-Fe arsenates and their stabilities. American Mineralogist 100, pages 1803-1820, doi 10.2138/am-2015-5199
    93. Kučerová, G., Majzlan, J., Bačík, P., Voleková, B., Radková, A., Chovan, M., Michňová, J., Klimko, T., Steininger, R., Göttlicher, J., 2014: Mineralogy and geochemistry of neutral mine drainage in the tailings of siderite-tetrahedrite ores near Rudňany and Slovinky in Slovakia. Canadian Mineralogist 52, 779-798, DOI: 10.3749/canmin.1400020
    94. Voegelin, A., Pfenninger, N., Petrikis, J., Majzlan, J., Plötze, M., Senn, A.-C., Mangold, S., Steininger, R., Göttlicher, J., 2015: Thallium speciation and extractability in a thallium- and arsenic-rich soil developed from mineralized carbonate rock. Environmental Science & Technology 49, 5390−5398, doi 10.1021/acs.est.5b00629
    95. Majzlan, J., Amoako, F.Y., Kindlová, H., Drahota, P., 2015: Thermodynamic properties of zýkaite, a ferric sulfoarsenate. Applied Geochemistry 61, 294-301, doi 10.1016/j.apgeochem. 2015.06.007
    96. Plášil, J., Majzlan, J., Wierzbiczka-Wieczorek, M., Kiefer, B., 2015: Crystal structure, thermal behavior and parageneses of koninckite, FePO4·3H2O. Mineralogical Magazine 79, 1159-1173, 10.1180/minmag. 2015.079.5.10
    97. Majzlan, J., Števko, M., Chovan, M., 2015: Mineralógia rudného výskytu pri Hiadeli v Nízkych Tatrách (Slovenská republika). Bulletin Mineralogicko-petrologického oddělení Národního Muzea v Praze 23, 271-276.
    98. Veselská, V., Majzlan, J., 2015: Environmental impact and potential utilization of historical Cu-Fe-Co slags. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23, 7308-7323, 10.1007/s11356-015-5861-0
    99. Majzlan, J., Brey, M., Malz, A., Donndorf, S., Milovsky, R., 2016: Fluid evolution and mineralogy of the Mn-Fe-barite-fluorite mineralizations at the contact of the Thuringian Basin, Thüringer Wald and Thüringer Schiefergebirge in Germany. Geologica Carpathica 67, 3-20, doi: 10.1515/geoca-2016-0001
    100. Majzlan, J., Plášil, J., Dachs, E., Benisek, A., Koch, C.B., 2016: Crystal structure, hydrogen bonding, Mössbauer spectroscopy, and thermodynamic properties of botryogen. Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie 193/2, 147-159, doi 10.1127/njma/2016/0299
    101. Majzlan, J., Plášil, J., Palatinus, L., 2016: Crystal structure of Fe2(AsO4)(HAsO4)(OH)(H2O)3, a dehydration product of kaňkite. European Journal of Mineralogy 28, 63-70, doi 10.1127/ejm/2015/0027-2495
    102. Majzlan, J., Zittlau, A., Grevel, K.-D., Schliesser, J., Woodfield, B.F., Dachs, E., Števko, M., Plášil, J., Milovská, S., 2015: Thermodynamic properties and phase equilibria of the secondary copper minerals libethenite, olivenite, pseudomalachite, kröhnkite, cyanochroite, and devilline. Canadian Mineralogist (John Jambor special issue) 53, 937-960, DOI: 10.3749/canmin.1400066
    103. Drahota, P., Knappová, M., Kindlová, H., Culka, A., Majzlan, J., Mihaljevič, M., Rohovec, J., Veselovský, F., Fridrichová, M., Jehlička, J., 2016: Mobility and attenuation of arsenic in sulfide-rich mining wastes from the Czech Republic. Science of Total Environment 557-558, 192-203, doi 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.03.079
    104. Majzlan, J., Števko, M., Lánczos, T., 2016: Soluble secondary minerals of antimony in Pezinok and Kremnica (Slovakia) and the question of mobility or immobility of antimony in mine waters. Environmental Chemistry doi 10.1071/EN16013
    105. Majzlan, J., Dachs, E., Benisek, A., Drahota, P., 2016: Thermodynamic properties of FeAsO4·0.75H2O. Hydrometallurgy 164, 136-140, doi 10.1016/j.hydromet. 2016.05.019
    106. Majzlan, J., Dachs, E., Bender Koch, C., Bolanz, R., Göttlicher, J., Steininger, R., 2016: Thermodynamic properties of tooeleite, Fe63+(As3+O3)4(SO4)(OH)4·4H2O. Chemie der Erde – Geochemistry 76, 419-428, 10.1016/j.chemer.2016.05.001
    107. Majzlan, J., Grevel, K.-D., Kiefer, B., Nielsen, U.G., Grube, E., Dachs, E., Benisek, A., White, M.A., Johnson, M., 2017: Thermodynamics and crystal chemistry of rhomboclase, (H5O2)Fe(SO4)22H2O, and the phase (H3O)Fe(SO4)2. American Mineralogist 102, 643–654, doi.org/10.2138/am-2017-5909
    108. Majzlan, J., Berkh, K., Števko, M., Bakos, F., 2016: Fluid inclusion and mineralogical study of selected epithermal Ag-Au veins in the Banská Štiavnica-Hodruša ore district, Western Carpathians. AGEOS 8, 133-147.
    109. Majzlan, J., Števko, M., Dachs, E., Benisek, A., Plášil, J., Sejkora, J., 2017: Thermodynamics, stability, crystal structure, and phase relations among euchroite, Cu2(AsO4)(OH)·3H2O, and related minerals. European Journal of Mineralogy 29, 5-16, doi.org/10.1127/ejm/2017/0029-2584
    110. Chmielewská, E., Tylus, W., Drábik, M., Majzlan, J., Kravčak, J., Williams, C., Čaplovičová, M., Čaplovič, Ľ., 2017: Structure investigation of nano-FeO(OH) modified clinoptilolite tuff for antimony removal. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 248, 222-233.
    111. Bizo, M.L., Nietzsche, S., Mansfeld, U., Langenhorst, F., Majzlan, J., Göttlicher, J., Ozunu, A., Formann, S., Krause, K., Kothe, E., 2017: Response to lead pollution: mycorrhizal Pinus sylvestris forms the biomineral pyromorphite in roots and needles. Environmental Science and Pollution DOI 10.1007/s11356-017-9020-7
    112. Borčinová Radková, A., Jamieson, H., Lalinská-Voleková, B., Majzlan, J., Števko, M., Chovan, M., 2017: Mineralogical controls on antimony and arsenic mobility during tetrahedrite-tennantite weathering at historic mine sites Špania Dolina-Piesky and Ľubietová-Svätodušná, Slovakia. American Mineralogist 102, 1091-1100 doi.org/10.2138/am-2017-5616
    113. Wiethoff, F., Grevel, K.-D., Marler, B., Petrikis, J., Majzlan, J., Kirste, J., Lathe, C., 2017: P-V-T behavior of FeO(OH) and MnO(OH). Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 44, 567–576, doi 10.1007/s00269-017-0884-3
    114. Majzlan, J., Berkh, K., Kiefer, S., Koděra, P., Fallick, A., Chovan, M., Bakos, F., Biroň, A., Ferenc, Š., 2017: Mineralogy, alteration patterns, geochemistry, and fluid properties of the Ag-Au epithermal deposit Nová Baňa, Slovakia. Mineralogy and Petrology 112, 1-23, DOI 10.1007/s00710-017-0516-0
    115. Plášil, J., Petříček, V., Majzlan, J., 2017: A (3+1) commensurately modulated structure of parabutlerite, Fe3+SO4(OH)·2H2O. Acta Crystallographica B 73, 856-862, doi.org/ 10.1107/S2052520617007156
    116. Majzlan, J., Dachs, E., Benisek, A., Plášil, J., Sejkora, J., 2017: Thermodynamics, crystal chemistry and structural complexity of the Fe(SO4)(OH)(H2O)x phases: Fe(SO4)(OH), metahohmannite, butlerite, parabutlerite, amarantite, hohmannite, and fibroferrite. European Journal of Mineralogy 29, 1-17, doi 10.1127/ejm/2017/0029-2677
    117. Kiefer, S., Majzlan, J., Števko, M., Chovan, M., 2017: Mineral compositions and phase relations of the complex sulfarsenides and arsenides from Dobšiná (Western Carpathians, Slovakia). Ore Geology Reviews 89, 894-908.
    118. Meier, A., Kastner, A., Harries, D., Wierzbicka-Wieczorek, M., Majzlan, J., Büchel, G., Kothe, E., 2017: Calcium carbonates: induced biomineralization with controlled macromorphology. Biogeosciences 14, 4867–4878, doi.org/10.5194/bg-14-4867-2017
    119. Majzlan, J., 2017: Solution calorimetry on minerals related to acid mine drainage – methodology, checks, and balances. Acta Geologica Slovaca 9, 171–183.
    120. Majzlan, J., Števko, M., Chovan, M., Luptáková, J., Milovská, S., Milovský, R., Jeleň, S., Sýkorová, M., Pollok, K., Göttlicher, J., Kupka, D., 2018: Mineralogy and geochemistry of the copper-dominated neutral mine drainage at the Cu deposit Ľubietová-Podlipa (Slovakia). Applied Geochemistry 92, 59-70, doi.org/10.1016/j.apgeochem.2018.02.012
    121. Majzlan, J., Kiefer, S., Herrmann, J., Števko, M., Chovan, M., Lánczos, T., Sejkora, J., Langenhorst, F., Lazarov, M., Gerdes, A., Radková, A., Jamieson, H., Milovský, R., 2018: Synergies in elemental mobility during weathering of tetrahedrite [(Cu,Fe,Zn)12(Sb,As)4S13]: Field observations, electron microscopy, isotopes of Cu, C, O, radiometric dating, and water geochemistry. Chemical Geology 488, 1-20, doi.org/10.1016/ j.chemgeo.2018.04.021
    122. Majzlan, J., Nielsen, U.G., Dachs, E., Benisek, A., Drahota, P., Kolitsch, U., Herrmann, J., Bolanz, R., 2018: Thermodynamics of mansfieldite, AlAsO4·2H2O, angelellite, Fe4(AsO4)2O3, and kamarizaite, Fe3(AsO4)2(OH)3·3H2O. Mineralogical Magazine 82, 1333-1354, doi: 10.1180/mgm.2018.107
    123. Herrmann, J., Voegelin, A., Palatinus, L., Mangold, S., Majzlan, J., 2018: Secondary Fe-As-Tl mineralization in soils near Buus in the Swiss Jura Mountains. European Journal of Mineralogy 30, 887-898, doi 10.1127/ejm/2018/0030-2766
    124. Chmielewská, E., Hawash, H.B.I., Górová, R., Majzlan, J., Rajic, N., Sasinková, V., Puškelová, Ľ., 2018: Valorizácia prírodných, resp. odpadových produktov pri odstraňovaní farmaceutík z vôd. Vodohospodársky Spravodajca 05-06, 33-36.
    125. Ghazisaeed, S., Majzlan, J., Plášil, J., Kiefer, B., 2018: A simple method for the prediction of the orientation of water molecules in ionic crystals authors. Journal of Applied Crystallography 51, 1116-1124.
    126. Jelenová, H., Majzlan, J., Amoako, F.Y., Drahota, P., 2018: Geochemical and mineralogical characterization of the arsenic-, iron-, and sulfur-rich mining waste dumps near Kaňk, Czech Republic. Applied Geochemistry 97, 247-255, doi.org/10.1016/j.apgeochem.2018.08.029
    127. Chmielewská, E., Hawash, H.B.I., Górová, R., Kovaľaková, M., Majzlan, J., Sasinková, V., Hudec, P., 2018: Natural resources and waste products in aquatic media remediation and diclofenac uptake. Current Green Chemistry 5, 114-121, doi 10.2174/2213346105666180622125344
    128. Hawash, B.I.H., Chmielewska, E., Netriová, Z., Majzlan, J., Pálková, H., Hudec, P., Sokolík, R., 2018: Innovative comparable study for application of iron oxyhydroxide and manganese dioxide modified clinoptilolite in removal of Zn(II) from aqueous medium. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 6, 6489–6503.
    129. Sturm, G., Brunner, S., Suvorova, E., Dempwolff, F., Reiner, J., Graumann, P., Bernier-Latmani, R., Majzlan, J., Gescher, J., 2018: Chromate Resistance Mechanisms in Leucobacter chromiiresistens. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 84, UNSP e02208-18, DOI: 10.1128/AEM.02208-18
    130. Bellmann, F., Grevel, K.-D., Majzlan, J., Dachs, E., Ludwig, H.-M., 2019: Analysis of thermodynamic data of calcium aluminate monocarbonate hydrate. Cement and Concrete Research 116, 89-94, doi.org/10.1016/j.cemconres. 2018.10.012
    131. Majzlan, J., Haase, P., Plášil, J., Dachs, E., 2019: Synthesis and stability of some members of the pharmacosiderite group, AFe4(OH)4(AsO4)3·nH2O (A= K, Na, 0.5Ba, 0.5Sr). Canadian Mineralogist 57, 1-14, 10.3749/canmin.1900035
    132. Jurkovič, Ľ., Majzlan, J., Klimko, T., Voleková-Lalinská, B., Hiller, E., Šottník, P., Göttlicher, J., Steininger, R., 2019: Natural attenuation of antimony and arsenic at the abandoned Sb deposit Poproč, Slovakia. Environmental Earth Sciences 78:672, doi.org/10.1007/s12665-019-8701-6
    133. Tuhý, M., Rohovec, J., Matoušková, Š., Mihaljevič, M., Kříbek, B., Vaněk, A., Mapani, B., Göttlicher, J., Steininger, R., Majzlan, J., Ettler, V., 2020: The potential wildfire effects on mercury remobilization from topsoils and biomass in a smelter-polluted semi-arid area. Chemosphere 247, 125972.
    134. Majzlan, J., Chovan, M., Hurai, V., Luptáková, J., 2020: Hydrothermal mineralisation of the Tatric Superunit (Western Carpathians, Slovakia): I. A review of mineralogical, thermometry and isotope data. Geologica Carpathica 71, 85–112, doi.org/10.31577/GeolCarp.71.2.1
    135. Majzlan, J., Kiefer, S., Chovan, M., Kohút, M., Gerdes, A., Konečný, P., Števko, M., Finger, F., Waitzinger, M., Biroň, A., Luptáková, J., Siman, P., 2020: Hydrothermal mineralisation of the Tatric Superunit (Western Carpathians, Slovakia): II. Geochronology and timing of mineralisations in the Nízke Tatry Mts.. Geologica Carpathica 71, 113–133, doi.org/10.31577/GeolCarp.71.2.2
    136. Herzel, H., Grevel, K.-D., Emmerling, F., Dachs, E., Benisek, A., Adam, C., Majzlan, J., 2020: Thermodynamic properties of calcium alkali phosphates Ca(Na,K)PO4. Journal of Materials Science 55, 8477-8490, DOI: 10.1007/s10853-020-04615-5
    137. Plumhoff, A., Dachs, E., Benisek, A., Plášil, J., Sejkora, J., Števko, M., Majzlan, J., 2020: Thermodynamic properties, crystal structure and phase relations of pushcharovskite [Cu(AsO3OH)(H2O)·0.5H2O], geminite [Cu(AsO3OH)(H2O)] and liroconite [Cu2Al(AsO4)(OH)4·4H2O]. European Journal of Mineralogy 32, 285–304, doi.org/10.5194/ejm-32-285-2020
    138. Majzlan, J., 2020: Processes of metastable-mineral formation in oxidation zones and mine wastes. Mineralogical Magazine 84, 367–375, doi: 10.1180/mgm.2020.19
    139. Čík, Š., Chovan, M., Majzlan, J., 2020: Výskyty hydrotermálnej Sb-Au mineralizácie na lokalitách Lomnistá, Husárka a Suchá dolina pri Jasení (Nízke Tatry). Bulletin mineralogie a petrologie 28, 210-218.
    140. Majzlan, J., Plášil, J., Dachs, E., Benisek, A., Mangold, S., Škoda, R., Abrosimova, N., 2020: Prediction and observation of formation of Ca-Mg arsenates in acidic and alkaline fluids: Thermodynamic properties and mineral assemblages in Jáchymov, Czech Republic and Rotgülden, Austria. Chemical Geology doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2020.119922
    141. Majzlan, J., Marinova, D., Dachs, E., 2020: Thermodynamics of the double sulfates Na2M2+(SO4)2·nH2O (M = Mg, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, n = 2 or 4) of the blödite-kröhnkite family. RSC Advances DOI: 10.1039/d0ra09501j

    141.      Majzlan, J., Marinova, D., Dachs, E., 2020: Thermodynamics of the double sulfates Na2M2+(SO4)2·nH2O (M = Mg, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, n = 2 or 4) of the blödite-kröhnkite family. RSC Advances DOI: 10.1039/d0ra09501j

    142.      Kiefer, S., Števko, M., Vojtko, R., Ozdín, D., Gerdes, A., Creaser, R.A., Szczerba, M., Majzlan, J., 2020: Geochronological and geochemical constraints on the carbonate-sulfarsenide veins in Dobšiná, Slovakia: U/Pb ages of hydrothermal carbonates, Re/Os age of gersdorffite, and K/Ar ages of fuchsite. Journal of Geosciences 65, 229–247, DOI: 10.3190/jgeosci.314

    143.      Steciuk, G., Majzlan, J., Plášil, J., 2021: Hydrogen disorder in kaatialaite Fe(AsO2(OH)2)·5H2O from Jáchymov, Czech Republic: determination from electron diffraction data. Journal of Applied Crystallography 8, 116-123, doi.org/10.1107/S2052252520015626

    144.      Plumhoff, A.M., Mathur, R., Milovský, R., Majzlan, J., 2021: Fractionation of the copper, oxygen and hydrogen isotopes between malachite and aqueous phase. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 300, 246–257, 10.1016/j.gca.2021.02.009

    145.      Hiller, E., Jurkovič, Ľ., Majzlan, J., Kulikova, T., 2021: Environmental availability of trace metals (mercury, chromium and nickel) in soils from the abandoned mine area of Merník (Eastern Slovakia). Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 30, 5013–5025, https://doi.org/10.15244/pjoes/133721

    146.      Majzlan, J., Bolanz, R., Göttlicher, J., Mikuš, T., Milovská, S., Čaplovičová, M., Rößler, C., Matthes, C., 2021: Incorporation mechanism of tungsten in W-Fe-Cr-V-bearing rutile. American Mineralogist 106, 609–619, https://doi.org/10.2138/am-2021-7653

    147.      Görn, M.G., Bolanz, R.M., Perry, S., Göttlicher, J., Steininger, R., Majzlan, J., 2021: Incorporation of Mo6+ into ferrihydrite, goethite and hematite. Clays and Clay Minerals 69, 188–204, https://doi.org/10.1007/s42860-021-00116-x

    148.      Kaufmann, A.B., Lazarov, M., Kiefer, S., Majzlan, J., Weyer, S., 2021: In-situ determination of Sb isotopes by fs-LA-MC-ICP-MS. Journal of Analytical Chemistry 36, 1554-1567, https://doi.org/10.1039/d1ja00089f

    149.      Haase, P., Gorniak Christensen, H., Nielsen, U.G., Koch, C.B., Galazka, Z., Majzlan, J., 2021: Stability and solubility of members of the schoenfliesite subgroup, □2(BSn4+)(O,OH)6 (B = Ca, Fe3+, Mg, Mn2+, Zn). Chemical Thermodynamics and Thermal Analysis 1–2, article 100005, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ctta.2021.100005

    150.      Majzlan, J., Kiefer, S., Lilova, K., Subramani, T., Navrotsky, A., Dachs, E., Benisek, A., 2021: Chapmanite [Fe2Sb(Si2O5)O3(OH)], its thermodynamic properties and formation in low-temperature environments. European Journal of Mineralogy 33, 357–371, https://doi.org/10.5194/ejm-33-357-2021

    151.      Majzlan, J., Tangeman, J., Dachs, E., 2021: Heat capacity, entropy, configurational entropy, and viscosity of magnesium silicate glasses and liquids. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 48, 28. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00269-021-01153-7

    152.      Mederski, S., Wojsław, M., Pršek, J., Majzlan, J., Kiefer, S., Asllani, B., 2021: A geochemical study of gersdorffite from the Trepça Mineral Belt, Vardar zone, Kosovo. Journal of Geosciences 66, 97-115. http://dx.doi.org/10.3190/jgeosci.322

    153.      Grevel, K.-D., Bellmann, F., Majzlan, J., Dachs, E., Benisek, A., Ludwig, H.M., 2022: Thermodynamic data of belite polymorphs. Cement and Concrete Research 152, 106621 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cemconres.2021. 106621

    154.      Đorđević, T., Drahota, P., Kolitsch, U., Majzlan, J., Peřestá, M., Kiefer, S., Stöger-Pollach, M., Tepe, N., Hofmann, T., Mikuš, T., Tasev, G., Serafimovski, T., Boev, I., Boev, B., 2021: Thallium speciation and mobility in Tl-extreme environment: mine dumps and soils of the naturally Tl-richest locality in the world, Crven Dol, Allchar deposit, North Macedonia. Applied Geochemistry 135, 105114, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apgeochem.2021.105114

    155.      Majzlan, J., Mathur, R., Milovský, R., Milovská, S., 2021: Isotopic exchange of oxygen, sulfur, hydrogen, and copper between aqueous phase and the copper minerals brochantite, libethenite, and olivenite. Mineralogical Magazine 86, 644-651, https://doi.org/10.1180/mgm.2021.77

    156.      Majzlan, J., Kiefer, S., Lilova, K., Subramani, T., Navrotsky, A., Tuhý, M., Vymazalová, A., Chareev, D., Dachs, E., Benisek, A., 2022: Calorimetric study of skutterudite (CoAs2.92) and heazlewoodite (Ni3S2). American Mineralogist 107, 2219–2225, https://doi.org/10.2138/am-2022-8337

    157.      Majzlan, J., Mikuš, T., Kiefer, S., Creaser, R.A., 2022: Rhenium-osmium geochronology of gersdorffite and skutterudite-pararammelsbergite links Ni-Co ores to the opening of the incipient Meliata Ocean (Western Carpathians, Slovakia). Mineralium Deposita 57, 621–629 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00126-022-01101-7

    158.      Plášil, J., Škoda, R., Filip, J., Petr, M., Kolařík, J., Klementová, M., Steciuk, G., Bähre, O., Klöß, G., Majzlan, J., Goliáš, V., 2022: Nanocrystalline secondary phases formed during recent weathering of uraninite as a model for initial alteration of spent nuclear fuel. ACS Earth and Space Chem 6, 1250-1258 https://doi.org/10.1021/acsearthspacechem.1c00386

    159.      Koděra, P., Majzlan, J., Pollok, K., Kiefer, S., Šimko, F., Luptáková, J., Cawthorn, G., 2022: Ferrous hydroxychlorides hibbingite (-Fe2(OH)3Cl) and parahibbingite (β-Fe2(OH)3Cl) as transport vehicles for H2O and Cl in ultrabasic and granitic systems. American Mineralogist 107, 826–841, https://doi.org/10.2138/am-2022-8011

    160.      Chmielewska, E., Majzlan, J., Bujdoš, M., 2022: Versatile zeolite application for environmental pollutants removal. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 331, 3495–3504, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10967-022-08375-1

    161.      Trifi, M., Gasmi, A., Carbone, C., Majzlan, J., Nasri, N., Dermech, M., Charef, A., Elfil, H., 2022: Machine learning-based prediction of toxic metals concentration in an acid mine drainage environment, northern Tunisia. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 29, 87490–87508, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-022-21890-8

    162.      Majzlan, J., Notz, S., Haase, P., Kamitsos, E.I., Dachs, E., Benisek, A., 2022: Thermodynamic properties of tellurite (-TeO2), paratellurite (-TeO2), TeO2 glass, and Te(IV) phases with stoichiometry M2Te3O8, MTe6O13, MTe2O5 (M = Co, Cu, Mg, Mn, Ni, Zn). Geochemistry – Chemie der Erde 82, 125915, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemer.2022.125915

    163.      Haase, P., Kiefer, S., Pollok, K., Drahota, P., Majzlan, J., 2022: Weathering of stannite–kësterite [Cu2(Fe,Zn)SnS4] and the environmental mobility of the released elements, European Journal of Mineralogy 34, 493–506, https://doi.org/10.5194/ejm-34-493-2022

    164.      Mederski, S., Pršek, J., Majzlan, J., Kiefer, S., Dimitrova, D., Milovský, R., Koch, C.B., 2022: Geochemical, textural evolution and origin of pyrite from the Carlin-type As-Sb-Tl-Pb±Hg±Au mineralization in Janjevo, Kosovo: example of extremely As-Tl-Sb-rich pyrite. Ore Geology Reviews 151, 105221, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2022.105221

    165.      Mikuš, T., Vlasáč, J., Majzlan, J., Sejkora, J., Steciuk, G., Plášil, J., Rößler, C., Matthes, C., 2023: Argentotetrahedrite-(Cd), Ag6(Cu4Cd2)Sb4S13, a new member of the tetrahedrite group. Mineralogical Magazine 87, 262–270, https://doi.org/10.1180/mgm.2022.138

    166.      Majzlan, J., Plášil, J., Dachs, E., 2023: Thermodynamics and crystal structures of krautite, Mn(HAsO4)·H2O, koritnigite, Zn(HAsO4)·H2O, and cobaltkoritnigite, Co(HAsO4)·H2O. Mineralogical Magazine 87, 194–203, https://doi.org/10.1180/mgm.2022.140

    167.      Majzlan, J., Mikuš, T., Milovský, R., 2022: Small occurrences of Middle Triassic ore mineralizations in the Western Carpathians. AGEOS 14, 103–114.

    168.      Majzlan, J., Števko, M., Plášil, J., Sejkora, J., Dachs, E., 2023: Thermodynamics of the Cu-Zn secondary phases zincolivenite, adamite, ludjibaite, strashimirite, and dehydrated slavkovite. Journal of Geosciences  68, 67-80, https://doi.org/10.3190/jgeosci.367

    169.      Majzlan, J., Plumhoff, A., Števko, M., Steciuk, G., Plášil, J., Dachs, E., Benisek, A., 2023: Thermodynamic and structural variations along the olivenite-libethenite solid solution. European Journal of Mineralogy 35, 157–169, https://doi.org/10.5194/ejm-35-157-2023

    170.      Kiefer, S., Ivan, P., Kaufmann, A.B., Vďačný, M., Majzlan, J., 2023: Remobilization of platinum-group elements by metasomatic alteration within listvenite rocks from Dobšiná, Slovakia. Geologica Carpathica 74, 139–153, https://doi.org/10.31577/GeolCarp.2023.10

    171.      Ondrejka, M., Uher, P., Ferenc, Š., Majzlan, J., Pollok, K., Mikuš, T., Milovská, S., Molnárová, A., Škoda, R., Kopáčik, R., Kurylo, S., Bačík, S., 2023: Monazite-(Gd), a new Gd-dominant mineral of the monazite group from Prakovce, Zimná Voda REE-U-Au quartz vein, Western Carpathians, Slovakia. Mineralogical Magazine 87, 568-574, https://doi.org/10.1180/mgm.2023.37

    172.      Majzlan, J., Tuhý, M., Dachs, E., Benisek, A., 2023: Thermodynamics of schafarzikite (FeSb2O4) and tripuhyite (FeSbO4). Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 50, 24, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00269-023-01249-2

    173.      Majzlan, J., Herrmann, J., Števko, M., Wiederhold, J., Lazarov, M., Milovský, R., 2023: Diffusion of copper isotopes and evaporative separation of mercury isotopes during weathering of tetrahedrite. Geochemistry – Chemie der Erde 83, 126019, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemer.2023.126019

    174.      Jia, X., Majzlan, J., Ma, L., Liu, P., Fan, P., Li, W., Zhou, J., Wen, B., 2023: Novel insights into the mechanisms for Sb mobilization in groundwater in a mining area: A colloid field study. Journal of Hazardous Materials 459, 132212, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2023.132212

    175.      Steciuk, G., Majzlan, J., Rohlíček, J., Škoda, R., Plášil, J., 2023: Znucalite, the only known zinc uranyl carbonate: its crystal structure and environmental implications. American Mineralogist 109, 949-959, https://doi.org/10.2138/am-2023-8956

    176.      Berkh, K., Majzlan, J., Meima, J., Plášil, J., Rammlmair, D., 2023: Effect of chemical variability and weathering on Raman spectra of enargite and fahlore. European Journal of Mineralogy 35, 737–754, https://doi.org/10.5194/ejm-35-737-2023

    177.      Kaufmann, A., Lazarov, M., Weyer, S., Števko, M., Kiefer, S., Majzlan, J., 2023: Antimony isotope evolution during hydrothermal precipitation of reduced to oxidized assemblages of antimony minerals in Pezinok (Slovakia). Mineralium Deposita 59, 559–575, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00126-023-01222-7

    178.      Majzlan, J., Filella, M., 2023: What do we know about the natural sources, transport and sinks of antimony in the environment? Geochemistry – Chemie der Erde 84, 126072, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemer.2023.126072

    179.      Majzlan, J., Reichstein, A., Haase, P., Števko, M., Sejkora, J., Dachs, E., 2024: Thermodynamics of vivianite-group arsenates M3(AsO4)2·8H2O (M = Ni, Co, Mg, Zn, Cu) and chemical variability of the natural arsenates of the vivianite group. European Journal of Mineralogy 36, 31–54, https://doi.org/10.5194/ejm-36-31-2024

    180.      Ondrejka, M., Ferenc, Š., Majzlan, J., Števko, M., Kopáčik, R., Voleková, B., Milovská, S., Göttlicher, J., Steininger, R., Mikuš, T., Uher, P., Biroň, A., Sejkora, J., Molnárová, A., 2023: Secondary uranyl arsenates–phosphates and Sb–Bi-rich minerals of the segnitite–philipsbornite series in the oxidation zone at the Prakovce-Zimná Voda REE–U–Au quartz-vein mineralisation, Western Carpathians, Slovakia. Mineralogical Magazine 87, 849–865, https://doi.org/10.1180/mgm.2023.75

    181.      Majzlan, J., Dianiška, I., Kiefer, S., Ackerman, L., Renčiuková, V., 2024: Talc metasomatism of a magnesite body in response to a granite intrusion: Application of Sm/Nd dating of metasomatic dolomite. Lithos 470–471, 107521 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2024.107521)

    182.      Vlasáč, J., Mikuš, T., Majzlan, J., Števko, M., Biroň, A., Szczerba, M., Milovský, R., Žitňan, P., 2024: Mineralogy and evolution of the epithermal mineralisation in the Rudno nad Hronom-Brehy ore deposit, Štiavnické vrchy Mts. (Slovakia). Journal of Geosciences 69, 19-45, https://doi.org/10.3190/jgeosci.380

    183.      Bärthel, F., Majzlan, J., 2024: Enthalpy of mixing of solid solution rhomboclase - indium-substituted rhomboclase (H3O)Fe1-xInx(SO4)2·nH2O. Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 195, 107308  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jct.2024. 107308

    184.      Majzlan, J., Ozdín, D., Sejkora, J., Steciuk, G., Plášil, J., Rößler, C., Matthes, C., 2024: Zipserite, a new bismuth chalcogenide Bi5(S,Se)4 from Nagybörzsöny in Hungary with modulated R-3m(00γ)00 structure. Mineralogical Magazine https://doi.org/10.1180/mgm.2024.37

    185.      Plášil, J., Sejkora, J., Dolníček, Z., Petříček, V., Désor, J., Majzlan, J., Gross, M., Möhn, G., Schürmann, C.: Theuerdankite, Ag3AsO4, a new mineral from Alter Theuerdank Mine (St. Andreasberg), Germany. Mineralogical Magazine https://doi.org/10.1180/mgm.2024.44

    186.      Jia, X., Kaufmann, A., Lazarov, M., Wen, B., Weyer, S., Zhou, J., Ma, L., Majzlan, J., 2024: Antimony isotope fractionation during kinetic Sb(Ⅲ) oxidation by antimony-oxidizing bacteria Pseudomonas sp. J1. Environmental Science & Technology https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.3c10271

    187.      Kaufmann, A.B., Lazarov, M., Horn, I., Števko, M., Ðorđević, T., Kiefer, S., Weyer, S., Majzlan, J., 2024: Weathering-induced Sb isotope fractionation during leaching of stibnite and formation of secondary Sb minerals. Chemical Geology 122253, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2024. 122253

    188.      Majzlan, J., Jia, X., Lilova, K., Subramani, T., Navrotsky, A., Dachs, E., Benisek, A., 2024: Thermodynamic stability of selected ASb2O6 and A2Sb2O7 phases (A = Ca, Ba, Cd, Sr, Zn). Solid State Sciences 107615, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.solidstatesciences.2024.107615

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