
Artikel in internationalen Fachzeitschriften mit Peer Review


  • van Laaten M, Müller J, Wegler U (2024), Monitoring seismic velocity changes at Campi Flegrei (Italy) using seismic noise interferometry, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 455, 108199, Link
  • van Laaten M, Wegler U (2024), Nonlinear Inversion for a Multilayer Seismic S-Wave Attenuation Model Using Radiative Transfer Theory, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 129, e2023JB027989, Link
  • Kasburg V, Müller J, Eulenfeld T, Breuer A, Kukowski N (2023), Cross‐Regional Seismic Event Discrimination via Convolutional Neural Networks: Exploring Fine‐Tuning and Ensemble Averaging, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Link
  • Müller J, Burjánek J (2023), In situ estimation of effective rock elastic moduli by seismic ambient vibrations, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 170, 105459, Link
  • van Laaten M, Wegler U, Eulenfeld T (2023), On the trail of fluids in the northernmost intracontinental earthquake swarm areas of the Leipzig-Regensburg fault zone, Germany, Journal of Seismology, Link
  • Müller J, van Laaten M, Eulenfeld T, Wegler U (2023), Coseismic drop of seismic velocity caused by the 2023 Turkey–Syria earthquakes, Geophysical Journal International, 234, 3, 2465-2472 Link pdfExterner Link
  • Eulenfeld T, Hillers G, Vuorinen T A T, Wegler U (2023), Induced earthquake source parameters, attenuation, and site effects from waveform envelopes in the Fennoscandian Shield, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 128, 4, e2022JB025162, doi: 10.1029/2022jb025162Externer Link pdfExterner Link
  • Eulenfeld T,  Heubeck C (2023), Constraints on Moon's orbit 3.2 billion years ago from tidal bundle data. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 128, e2022JE007466, doi: 10.1029/2022JE007466Externer Link pdfExterner Link
  • Eulenfeld T (2023), yam: Yet another monitoring tool using correlations of ambient noise, Journal of Open Source Software, 8, 85, 5267, doi: 10.21105/joss.05267Externer Link
  • Jahr T, Stolz R (2022), The Superconducting Gravimeter CD-034 at Moxa Observatory: More than 20 Years of Scientific Experience and a Reanimation,  Pure Appl. Geophys. doi: 10.1007/s00024-022-03190-xExterner Link
  • Schwarze C, Kukowski N (2022), Décollement strength and mechanical segmentation along the frontal wedge of the Hikurangi convergent margin (New Zealand): Insights from critical taper analysis, Tectonophysics, 844, 229622, doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2022.229622Externer Link
  • van Laaten M, Eulenfeld T, Wegler U (2022), Comparison of Multiple Lapse Time Window Analysis and Qopen to determine intrinsic and scattering attenuation, Geophysical Journal International, 228, 2, 913-926, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggab390Externer Link pdfExterner Link
  • Schwarze C, Hopkins JL, Storm S, Orpin A, Schmitt AK, Kukowski N (2022), Quaternary marine tephrochronology of Rock Garden accretionary ridge, Hikurangi Subduction Margin, New Zealand. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 423, 107476, doi: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2022.107476Externer Link
  • Heubeck C, Bläsing S, Drabon N, Eulenfeld T, Grund, MU, Homann M, Van Rensburg DJ, Köhler I, Nahan S, Rabethge C, Voigt T, Zentner-Joerges D (2022), Reassessing evidence of Moon-Earth dynamics from tidal bundles at 3.2 Ga (Moodies Group, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa), Sedimentology, doi: 10.1111/sed.12988Externer Link
  • Hannemann K, Eulenfeld T, Krüger F, Dahm T (2021), Seismic scattering and absorption of oceanic lithospheric S waves in the Eastern North Atlantic, Geophysical Journal International, 229, 2, 948-961, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggab493Externer Link pdfExterner Link
  • Eulenfeld T, Dahm T, Heimann S, Wegler U (2021), Fast and robust earthquake source spectra and moment magnitudes from envelope inversion, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 112, 2,  878-893, doi: 10.1785/0120210200Externer Link pdfExterner Link

2016 Bis 2020

  • Eulenfeld T (2020), Toward source region tomography with intersource interferometry: Shear wave velocity from 2018 West Bohemia swarm earthquakes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 125, e2020JB019931, doi: 10.1029/2020JB019931Externer Link pdfExterner Link                                                              
  • Izgi G, Eken T, Gaeble P,  Eulenfeld T, Taymaz T (2020), Crustal seismic attenuation parameters in the western region of the North Anatolian Fault Zone, Journal of Geodynamics, 134, 101694, doi: 10.1016/j.jog.2020.101694Externer Link
  • Herbozo G, Kukowski N, Clift PD, Pecher I, Bolaños R (2020) Cenozoic increase in subduction erosion during plate convergence variability along the convergent margin off Trujillo, Peru. Tectonophysics 790, doi: Link

  • Jahr, T., Buntebarth, G., Sauter, M. (2020). Earth Tides as revealed by micro-temperature measurements in the subsurface. Journ. Geodynamics, 136, 7p, doi: /10.1016/J.Jog.2020.101718.

  • Malischewsky, P., Forbriger, T. (2020). May Rayleigh waves propagate with group- and phase-velocities of opposite sign in the valley ov Mexico City?, Geofisica Internacional 59-2,101-104.

  • Bora, N., Biswas, R., Malischewsky, P. (2020). Imaging Subsurface Structure of an Urban Area Based on Diffuse-Field Theory Concept Using Seismic Ambient Noise, Pure Appl. Geophys. 177 (2020), 4733-4753.

  • Forbriger, T., Gao, L., Malischewsky, P.,Ohrnberger, M., Pan, Y. (2020). A single Rayleigh mode may exist with multiple values of phase-velocity at one frequency, Geophys. J. Int. 222 (2020), pp. 582-594, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggaa123.

  • Gaebler P, Eken T, Bektaş, HÖ, Eulenfeld T, Wegler U, Taymaz T (2019), Imaging of shear wave attenuation along the central part of the North Anatolian Fault Zone, Turkey. Journal of Seismology, 23, 913-927, doi: 10.1007/s10950-019-09842-1Externer Link

  • Eulenfeld T (2019) rf: Receiver function calculation in seismology, Journal of Open Source Software, 5, 48, 1808, doi: 10.21105/joss.01808Externer Link

  • Audet P, Thomson CJ, Bostock MG, Eulenfeld T (2019), Telewavesim: Python software for teleseismic body wave modeling, Journal of Open Source Software, 4, 44, 1818, doi: 10.21105/joss.01818Externer Link

  • Warsitzka M, Kukowski N, May F (2019) The formation of forced folds and wing-like sand intrusions driven by pore fluid overpressure: implications from 2D experimental modeling. Journal of Geophysical Research 124, 12277 - 12303, Link

  • Queitsch M, Schiffler M, Stolz R, Rolf C, Meyer M, Kukowski N (2019) Investigation of 3D magnetization of a dolerite intrusion using airborne full tensor magnetic gradiometry data. Geophysical Journal International 217, 1643 - 1655, Link.

  • Lepetit P, Ähnelt M, Viereck L, Strauss M, Abratis M, Fritsch S, Malz A, Kukowski N, Totsche KU (2019) Intraformational fluid flow in the Thuringia Syncline (Germany) - Evidence from stable isotope data in vein mineralization of Upper Permian and Mesozoic sediments. Chemical Geology 523, 133 - 153, Link

  • May F, Warsitzka M, Kukowski N (2019) Analogue modelling of leakage processes in unconsolidated sediments. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 90, 102805, Link

  • Warsitzka, M., Jähne-Klingberg, F., Kley, J., Kukowski, N. (2019). The timing of salt structure growth in the Southern Permian Basin and implications for basin dynamics. Basin Research, doi:10.1111/bre.12323...

  • Sens-Schönfelder C, Eulenfeld T (2019), Probing the in situ Elastic Nonlinearity of Rocks with Earth Tides and Seismic Noise, Physical Review Letters, 122, 138501, doi: 101103/PhysRevLett.122.138501 pdfExterner Link

  • Vinh, P. C., Tuan, T. T., Hue, L. T., Anh, V. T. N., Dung, T. T. T., Linh, N. T. K., Malischewsky, P. (2019). Exact formula for the horizontal-to-vertical displacement ratio of Rayleigh waves in layered orthotropic half-spaces, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 146 (2019) 2, 1279-1289.

  • Kunkel, C., Aehnelt, M., Pudlo, D., Kukowski, N., Totsche, K.U., Gaupp, R. (2018). Subsurface aquifer heterogeneities of Lower Triassic clastic sediments in central Germany. Marine and Petroleum Geology 97, 209 - 222, doi:/10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2018.06.022.

  • Rochlitz, R., Queitsch, M., Yogeshwar, P., Günther, T., Kukowski, N., Stolz, R. (2018). Capability of low temperature SQUID for transient electromagnetics under anthropogenic noise conditions. Geophysics 83, E371 - E383, doi:10.1190/geo2017-0582.1.

  • Albert, F., Kukowski, N., Tassara, A., Oncken, O. (2018). Material transfer at erosive convergent margins: insights from analogue experiments. Tectonophysics 749, 46 - 61, doi:/10.1016/j.tecto.2018.10.019.

  • Salomon, C. (2018). Finite element modelling of the geodynamic processes of the Central Andes subduction zone: The Reference Model. Journal of Geodesy and Geodynamics, DOI:10.1016/j.geog.2017.11.007Externer Link.

  • Warsitzka, M., Kukowski, N., Kley, J. (2018). Salt flow direction and velocity during sub-salt normal faulting and syn-kinematic sedimentation - implications from analytical calculations, Geophysical Journal International 213, 115-134, Link

  • Pecher, I. A., Villinger, H., Kaul, N., Crutchley, G. J., Mountjoy, J. J., Huhn, K., Kukowski, N., Henrys, S., Rose, P.S., Coffin, R. B. (2017). A fluid pulse on the Hikurangi subduction margin: Evidence from a heat flux transect across the upper limit of gas hydrate stability. Geophysical Research Letters, 44, 12,385-12,395; Link

  • Schiffler, M., Queitsch, M., Stolz, R., Meyer H.-G., Kukowski, N. (2017). Application of Hilbert-like transforms for enhanced processing of full tensor magnetic gradient data. Geophysical Prospecting, 1-14, DOI:10.1111/1365-2478.12518.

  • Warsitzka, M. Kukowski, N., May, F. (2017). Fluid-overpressure driven sediment mobilisation and its risk for the integrity for CO2 storage sites - an analogue approach. Energy Procedia 114, 3291-3304. DOI: 10.1016/j.egypro.2017.03.1461.

  • Eulenfeld T, Wegler U (2017), Crustal intrinsic and scattering attenuation of high-frequency shear waves in the contiguous United States, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 122, 4676-4690, doi: 10.1002/2017JB014038Externer Link pdfExterner Link

  • Jahr, T. (2017). Non-tidal tilt and strain signals recorded at the Geodynamic Observatory Moxa, Thuringia/Germany. Journal of Geodesy and Geodynamics 9, 229-236, DOI:10.1016/j.geog.2017.03.015Externer Link.

  • Weise, A., Jahr, T. (2017). The Improved Hydrological Gravity Model for Moxa Observatory, Germany,  Pure Appl. Geophys., pp 1-9, DOI:10.1007/s00024-017-1546-6Externer Link.

  • Warsitzka, M., Kley, J., Jähne-Klingberg, F., Kukowski, N. (2017). Dynamics of prolonged salt movement in the Glückstadt Graben (NW Germany) driven by tectonic and sedimentary processes. International Journal of Earth Sciences (Geol Rundsch), 106, 131-151, doi:10.1007/s00531-016-1306-3.

  • Malischewsky, P. G., Forbriger, T., Lomnitz, C. (2017). Unusual, equivocal Rayleigh-dispersion curves for simple models taking into account the special propagating conditions in the valley of Mexico City (CDMX) - Peliminary results, Geofisica Internacional 56, 7-12.

  • Niemz, P, Amorese, D. (2016). Relocalizing a historical earthquake using recent methods: The 10 November 1935 Earthquake near Montserrat, Lesser Antilles. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 66, 166-179.

  • Kobe, M., T. Jahr, W. Pöschel, N. Kukowski (2016). Comparing a new laser Strainmeter array with an adjacent, parallel running quartz tube strainmeter array. Rev. of Scient. Instr. 87, 034502. DOI:10.1063/1.4942433

  • Tuan, T.T., P.C. Vinh, P. Malischewsky, A. Aoudia (2016). Approximate Formula of Peak Frequency of H/V Ratio Curve in Multilayered Model and its use in H/V Ration Technique. Pure and Appl. Geophys. 173, 487-498.

  • Tran, T. T., Pham, C. V., Ohrnberger, M., Malischewsky, P., Aoudia, A. (2016). An Improved Formula of Fundamental Resonance Frequency of a Layered Half-Space Model Used in H/V Rato Technique, Pure Appl. Geophys. 173, 2803-2812.

  • Malischewsky, P. (2016). In Memoriam Cinna Lomnitz (1926-2016), Geofisica Internacional, 55, 4, 1-2.

2010 Bis 2015

  • Kausel, E., P. Malischewsky, J. Barbosa. Osculations of spectral lines in layered medium, Wave Motion (2015), 22-42

  • Lunedei, E., P. Malischewsky (2015). A Review and Some New Issues on the Theory of the H/V Technique for Ambient Vibrations, In: Perspectives on European Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Chapter 15, Volume 2, pp. 371-394, Springer Verlag 2015

  • Warsitzka, M., Kley, J., Kukowski, N. (2015). Analogue experiments of salt flow and pillow growth due to basement faulting and differential loading. Solid Earth, 6, 9-31. DOI: 10.5194/se-6-9-2015Externer Link

  • Crossley, D.J., Boy, J.-P., Hinderer, J., de Linage, C., Jahr, T., Weise, A., Wziontek, H., Abe, M., Foerste, C. (2014). Comment on: 'The quest for a consistent signal in ground and GRACE gravity time series' by Michel Van Camp, Olivier de Viron, Laurent Metivier, Brune Meurers, and Olivier Francis. Geopys. J. Int. 199 (3):1811-1817, DOI:Externer Link 10.1093/gji/ggu259

  • Goepel, A., Lonschinski, M., Viereck, L., Büchel, G., Kukowski, N. (2015). Volcano-tectonic sturctures and CO2-degassing patterns in the Laacher See basin, Germany. Int. J. Earth Sci. (Geol. Rundsch.), DOI: 10.1007/s00531-014-1133-3Externer Link

  • Gutknecht, B.D., Götze, H.-J., Jahr, T., Jentzsch, G., Mahatsente, R., Zeumann, St. (2014). Structure and State of Stress of the Chilean Subduction Zone from Terrestrial and Satallite-Derived Gravity and Gravity Gradient Data. Surv Geophys., DOI:10.1007/s10712-014-9296-9Externer Link

  • Nickschick, T., H. Kämpf, T. Jahr (2014). The "Triasscholle" near Greiz, Germany - A volcanic origin? Bull. Volcanol., 76:806, DOI:10.1007/s00445-014-0806-xExterner Link.

  • Schiffler, M., Queitsch, M., Stolz, R., Chwala, A., Krech, W., Meyer, H.-G., Kukowski, N. (2014). Calibration of SQUID vector magnetometers in full tensor gradiometry systems. Geophys. J. Int., 198, 954-964, DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggu173Externer Link

  • Herbozo, G., C. Hübscher, N. Kaul, M. Wagner, I. Pecher, N. Kukowski (2013). Influence of recent depositional and tectonic controls on marine gas hydrates in Trujillo Basin, Peru Margin, Marine Geology, Vol. 340, 30-48, DOI:10.1016/j.margeo.2013.04.010Externer Link.

  • Hermann, T., C. Kroner, T. Jahr (2013). Geoelectrical, strain and tilt investigations of hydrological processes at the broadband Geodynamical Observatory Moxa, Journal of Applied Geophysics 98, 90-99, DOI:10.1016/j.jappgeo.2013.07.007Externer Link

  • Kasch, N., M. Naujoks, J. Kley, T. Jahr (2013). Combined geologic and gravimetric mapping and modelling to study the impact of local geological features on geophysical monitoring at the Geodynamic Observatory Moxa, Germany. Int. J. Earth Sci. (Geol Rundsch) 102:1257-1270, DOI: 10.1007/s00531-012-0859-zExterner Link

  • Krawczyk, C.M., M. Buddensiek, O. Oncken, N. Kukowski (2013). Seismic imaging of sandbox experiments - laboratory hardware steup and first reflection seismic sections. Solid Earth 4, 93 - 104, DOI:10.5194/sed-4-1317-2012Externer Link

  • Schmidt, A., N. Nowaczyk, H. Kämpf, I. Schüller, C. Flechsig, T. Jahr (2013). Origin of magnetic anomalies in the large Ebersbrunnn diatreme, W Saxony, Germany, Bull. Volcanol. 75:766, DOI:10.1007/s00445-013-0766-6Externer Link

  • Abe, M., C. Kroner, C. Förste, S. Petrovic, F. Berthelmes, A. Weise, A. Güntner, B. Creutzfeldt, T. Jahr, G. Jentzsch, H. Wilmes, H. Wziontek (2012). A comparison of GRACE-derived temporal gravity variations with observations of six European superconducting gravimeters. Geophys. J. Int. 191(2), 545-556. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2012.05641.xExterner Link

  • Bleibinhaus, F., Hilberg, S. (2012), Shape and structure of the Salzach Valley, Austria, from seismic traveltime tomography and full waveform inversion. Geophys. J. Int. 189, 1701-1716. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2012.05447.xExterner Link

  • Köther, N., H.-J. Götze, B.D. Gutknecht, T. Jahr, G. Jentzsch, O.H. Lücke, R. Mahatsente, R. Sharma, S. Zeumann (2012). The seismically active Andean and Central American margins: Can satellite gravity observations be used to study lithospheric structure and asperity mapping? J. Geodyn. 59-60, 207-218, doi: 10.1016/j.jog.2011.11.004Externer Link.

  • Pham Chi Vinh, P. G. Malischewsky, Pham Thi Ha Giang: Formulas for the speed and slowness of Stoneley waves in bonded isotropic half-spaces with the same bulk wave velocities, Int. J. of Eng. Sci. 60 (2012), 53-58.

  • Prutkin, I., G. Jentzsch, T. Jahr (2012). Separation of sources and 3D inversion of the gravity and magnetic data for the Thuringian Basin, Germany. Contrib. Geophys. Geod. 42(2), 119-132, doi: 10.2478/v10126-012-0005-8Externer Link.

  • Ryberg, T., Hole, J.A., Fuis, G.S., Rymer, M.J., Bleibinhaus, F., Stromeyer, D., Bauer, K. (2012), Tomographic Vp and Vs structure of the California Central Coast Ranges, in the vicinity of SAFOD, from controlled-source seismic data. Geophys. J. Int. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2012.05585.xExterner Link

  • Warsitzka, M., J. Kley, N. Kukowski (2012) Salt diapirism driven by differential loading - some insights from analogue modelling. Tectonophys., doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2011.11.018Externer Link

  • Weise, A., C. Kroner, M. Abe, B. Creutzfeldt, C. Förste, A. Güntner, J. Ihde, T. Jahr, G. Jentzsch, H. Wilmes, H. Wziontek, S. Petrovic (2012). Tackling mass redistribution phenomena by time-dependent GRACE- and terrestrial gravity observations. J. Geodyn. 59-60, 82-91, doi: 10.1016/j.jog.2011.11.003Externer Link.

  • Contardo, X.J., N. Kukowski, J.M. Cembrano (2011) Material transfer and its influence on the formation of slope basins along the South Central Chielan convergent margin: Insights from scaled sandbox experiments. Tectonophys. 513, 20 - 36, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2011.09.016Externer Link

  • Hegewald, A., G. Jentzsch, T. Jahr (2011). Influence of temperature variations on the noise level of the data of the LaCoste and Romberg Earth tide gravity meter ET18. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. 12, Q04005, doi: 10.1029/2010GC003432Externer Link.

  • Jahr, T., M. Naujoks (2011). Local geophysical investigation in the surroundings of the new GRSN seismic station Heukewalde/Thuringia, Germany. Near Surface Geophys. 9(1), 77-85, doi: 10.3997/1873-0604.2010061Externer Link.

  • Kroner, C., A. Weise (2011). Sensitivity of superconducting gravimeters in central Europe on variations in regional river and drainage basins. J. Geod. 85(10), 651-659, doi: 10.1007/s00190-011-0471-1Externer Link.

  • Malischewsky P.G. (2011). Seismic waves and surface waves: past and present. Geofis. Int. 50(4), 485-493.

  • Mammadov, S., T. Jahr, G. Jentzsch, K. Fakhraddin (2011). Preliminary results of new gravity station Shaki/Azerbaijan. Bull. d'Inf. Marées Terr. 147, 11881-11890.

  • Tran Thanh Tuan, F. Scherbaum, P.G. Malischewsky (2011). On the relationship of peaks and troughs of the ellipticity (H/V) of Rayleigh waves and the transmission response of single layer over half-space models. Geophys. J. Int. 184(2), 793-800, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2010.04863.xExterner Link

  • Abe, M., C. Kroner, J. Neumeyer, X.D. Chen (2010). Assessment of atmospheric reductions for terrestrial gravity observations. Bull. d'Inf. Marées Terr. 146, 11825-11846.

  • Ellis S., I.A. Pecher, N. Kukowski, W. Xu, S. Henrys, J. Greinert (2010). Testing proposed mechanisms for seafloor weakening at the top of gas hydrate stability, Rock Garden, New Zealand. Marine Geology 272, 127 - 142, doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2009.10.008Externer Link

  • Gebauer, A., H. Steffen, C. Kroner, T. Jahr (2010). Finite element modelling of atmosphere loading effects on strain, tilt and displacement at multi-sensor stations. Geophys. J. Int. 181(3), 1593-1612, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2010.04549.xExterner Link.

  • Hassan, R.M., E.M. Abdelrahman, A. Tealeb, K.H. Zahran, G. Jentzsch (2010). Gravimetric tide observation at Lake Nasser Region, Aswan, Egypt. Bull. d'Inf. Marées Terr. 146, 11797-11806.

  • Hassan, R.M., E.M. Abdelrahman, A. Tealeb, K.H. Zahran, G. Jentzsch (2010). Hydrogeological signals due to the seasonal variation of Lake Nasser and its effect on the surrounding crust as deduced from tidal gravity observations. Bull. d'Inf. Marées Terr. 146, 11807-11818.

  • Hassan, R.M., K. H. Zahran, G. Jentzsch, A. Weise (2010). A New Tidal Gravity Station at Hurghada, Red Sea, Egypt. Bull. d'Inf. Marées Terr. 146, 11847-11855.

  • Hegewald, A., G. Jentzsch, T. Jahr (2010). Comparison of the LaCoste & Romberg gravimeter ET18 with the superconducting gravimeter CD-034 at the Geodynamics Observatory Moxa (Germany). Bull. d'Inf. Marées Terr. 146, 11781-11788.

  • uez-Larré, J., N. Kukowski, T.J. Dunai, A.J. Hartley, P.A.M. Andriessen (2010). Thermal and exhumation history of the Coastal Cordillera arc of northern Chile revealed by thermochronological dating. Tectonophys. 495(1-2), 48-66, doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2010.06.018Externer Link.

  • Kukowski N., J. Greinert, S. Henrys (2010). Seafloor morphology and stability above a subducting seamount in the Hikurangi accretionary wedge. Marine Geology 272, 141 - 153, doi: 10.1016/j.margeo.2009.06.004Externer Link

  • Loveless, J.P., M.E. Pritchard, N. Kukowski (2010). Testing mechanisms of subduction zone segmentation and seismogenesis with slip distribution from recent Andean earthquakes. Tectonophys. 495(1-2), 15-33, doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2009.05.008Externer Link.

  • Malischewsky, P.G., Y. Zaslavsky, M. Gorstein, V. Pinsky, T.T. Tran, F. Scherbaum, H. Flores Estrella (2010). Some new theoretical considerations about the ellipticity of Rayleigh waves in the light of site-effect studies in Israel and Mexico, Geofis. Int. 49(3), 141-152.

  • Matthes, H., C. Kroner, T. Jahr, H. Kämpf (2010). Geophysical modelling of the Ebersbrunn diatreme, western Saxony, Germany. Near Surf. Geophys. 8(4), 311-319, doi: 10.3997/1873-0604.2010020Externer Link.

  • Naujoks, M., C. Kroner, A. Weise, T. Jahr, P. Krause, S. Eisner (2010). Evaluating local hydrological modelling by temporal gravity observations and a gravimetric three-dimensional model. Geophys. J. Int. 182(1), 233-249, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2010.04615.xExterner Link.

  • Pecher I.A., S. Henrys, W. Wood, N. Kukowski, M. Fohrmann, J. Kilner, K. Senger, G. Crutchley, A. Gorman, R. Coffin, J. Greinert, K. Faure (2010). Focused fluid expulsion on the Hikurangi margin, New Zealand - Evidence from possible local upwarping of the base of gas hydrate stability. Marine Geology 272, 99 - 113, doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2009.10.006Externer Link

  • Wang K., Y. Hu, R. von Huene, N. Kukowski (2010). Great interplate earthquakes as a driver of shallow subduction erosion. Geology 38, 431-434, doi: 10.1130/G30597.1Externer Link

Vor 2010

  • Chen, X.-D., C. Kroner, H.-P. Sun, M. Abe, J. Zhou, H. Yan, H. Wziontek (2009). Determination of gravimetric parameters of the gravity pole tide using observations recorded with super-conducting gravimeters. J. Geodyn. 48(3-5), 348-353, doi: 10.1016/j.jog.2009.09.020Externer Link.

  • Gebauer, A., C. Kroner, T. Jahr (2009). The influence of topographic and lithologic features on horizontal deformations. Geophys. J. Int. 177(2), 568-602. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246x.2009.04072.xExterner Link.

  • Hu, X.G., L.T. Liu, C. Kroner, H.-P. Sun (2009). Observation of the seismic anisotropy effects on free oscillations below 4 mHz. J. Geophys. Res. 114, B07301, doi: 10.1029/2008JB005713Externer Link.

  • Jahr, T., G. Jentzsch, A. Weise (2009). Natural and man-made induced hydrological signals, detected by high resolution tilt observations at the Geodynamic Observatory Moxa/Germany. J. Geodyn. 48(3-5), 126-131, doi: 10.1016/j.jog.2009.09.011Externer Link.

  • Krause, P., M. Fink, C. Kroner, M. Naujoks (2009). The impact of hydrological processes on gravimetric measurements. J. Hydrology. 373(1-2), 151-163, doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.04.019Externer Link.

  • Kroner, C., M. Thomas, H. Dobslaw, M. Abe, A. Weise (2009). Seasonal effects of non-tidal oceanic mass shifts in observations with superconducting gravimeters. New Challenges in Earth's Dynamics, Jena, September 1-5, 2008, J. Geodyn. 48(3-5), 354-359, doi: 10.1016/j.jog.2009.09.009.

  • Malischewsky, P.G., Tran Thanh Tuan (2009). A special relation between Young's modulus, Rayleigh-wave velocity, and Poisson's ratio, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 126(6), 2851-2853, doi: 10.1121/1.3243464Externer Link.

  • Mantilla-Pimiento, A., G. Jentzsch, J. Kley, C. Alfonso-Pava (2009). Configuration of the Colombian Caribbean Margin: Constraints from 2D Seismic Reflection data and Potential Fields Interpretation. In: S. Lallemand & F. Funiciello (Eds.), Spec. vol., Frontiers in Earth Sciences, Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-87974-9Externer Link.

  • Mrlina, J., H. Kämpf, C. Kroner, H. Matthes, J. Mingram, J. Kallmeyer, M. Seidl, M. Stebich (2009). First Quaternary maar structure of the Bohemian Massif, Central Europe - findings of combined geophysical and geological surveys. J. Volcan. Geotherm. Res., 182(1-2), 97-112, doi: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2009.01.027Externer Link.

  • Torzin, J., G. Jentzsch, P.G. Malischewsky, J. Kley, N. Abakanov, A. Kurskeev (2009). Rating of seismicity and reconstruction of the fault geometries in northern Tien Shan within the project "Seismic Hazard Assessment for Almaty". J. Geodyn. 48(3-5), 269-278, doi: 10.1016/j.jog.2009.09.030Externer Link.

  • Weise, A., C. Kroner, M. Abe, J. Ihde, G. Jentzsch, M. Naujoks, H. Wilmes, H. Wziontek (2009). Gravity field variations from superconducting gravimeters for GRACE validation. J. Geodyn. 48(3-5), 325-330, doi: 10.1016/j.jog.2009.09.034Externer Link.

  • Zeumann, S., A. Weise, T. Jahr (2009). Tidal and non-tidal signals in groundwater boreholes in the KTB area, Germany. J. Geodyn. 48(3-5), 115-119. doi: 10.1016/j.jog.2009.09.037Externer Link.

  • Gebauer, A., C. Kroner, T. Jahr (2008). Structural-geological and lithospheric factors affecting deformations of the upper crust (ext. abstract). Bull. d'Inf. Marées Terr. 144, 11593-11596.

  • Hasan, S., P.A. Troch, P.W. Bogaart, C. Kroner (2008). Evaluating catchment-scale hydrological modeling by means of terrestrial gravity observations. Water Resour. Res. 44(8), W08416, doi: 10.1029/2007WR006321Externer Link.

  • Jahr, T., G. Jentzsch, A. Gebauer, T. Lau (2008). Deformation, seismicity, and fluids: Results of the 2004/2005 water injection experiment at the KTB/Germany, J. Geophys. Res. 113, B11410, doi: 10.1029/2008JB005610Externer Link.

  • Jahr, T., G. Jentzsch, A. Gebauer, T. Stacke (2008). Tilt observation and finite-element modelling of deformations and stress, induced by the large scale injection experiment at the KTB/Germany. Bull. d'Inf. Marées Terr. 144, 11583-11592.

  • Jahr, T., D. Kaiser, C. Kroner (2008). Die geophysikalische Erkundung von Erdfällen in Ernstroda (Thüringen). Z. geol. Wiss. 36(3), 139-154.

  • Kroner, C. (2008). Report of activities of the IAG sub-commission 3.1 special study group: "Analysis of environ-mental data for the interpretation of gravity measurements". Bull. d'Inf. Marées Terr. 144, 11545-11546.

  • Malischewsky Auning, P.G. (2008). The ellipticity of Rayleigh waves at infinite depth. Geofis. Int. 47(1), 77-79.

  • Malischewsky, P.G. (2008). Reply to Nkemzi, D. W., A simple and explicit algebraic expression for the Rayleigh wave velocity, Mech. Res. Comm. 35(6), 428, doi: 10.1016/j.mechrescom.2008.01.011Externer Link.

  • Malischewsky, P.G., F. Scherbaum, C. Lomnitz, T. Tran Thanh, F. Wuttke, G. Shamir (2008). The domain of existence of prograde Rayleigh-wave particle motion for simple models. Wave Motion 45(4), 556-564, doi: 10.1016/j.wavemoti.2007.11.004Externer Link.

  • Naujoks, M., A. Weise, C. Kroner, T. Jahr (2008). Detection of small hydrological variations in gravity by repeated observations with relative gravimeters. J. Geod. 82(9), 543-553, doi: 10.1007/s00190-007-0202-9Externer Link.

  • Neumeyer, J., F. Barthelmes, C. Kroner, S., Petrovic, R. Schmidt, H. Virtanen, H. Wilmes (2008). Analysis of gravity field variations derived from Superconducting Gravimeter recordings, the GRACE satellite and hydrological models at selected European sites. Earth Planets Space 60(5), 505-518.

  • Scarpa, F., P.G. Malischewsky (2008). Some new considerations concerning the Rayleigh-wave velocity in auxetic materials, Physica Status Solidi (B) 245(3), 578-583, doi: 10.1002/pssb.200777714Externer Link.

  • Tran Thanh Tuan, P.G. Malischewsky, F. Scherbaum, M. Ohrnberger (2008). Dispersion of zero-frequency Rayleigh waves in an isotropic model 'Layer over half-space'. Geophys. J. Int. 175(2), 537-540, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2008.03917.xExterner Link.

  • Camacho, A.G., J. Fernandez, M. Charco, K.F. Tiampo, G. Jentzsch (2007). Interpretation of 1992-1994 gravity changes around Mayon volcano, Philippines, using point sources. Pure appl. Geophys. 164(4), 733-749, doi: 10.1007/s00024-007-0185-8Externer Link.

  • Gebauer, A., T. Jahr, G. Jentzsch (2007). Recording and interpretation/analyses of tilt signals with five ASKANIA borehole tiltmeters at the KTB. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 78, 054501, 6p., doi: 10.1063/1.2736506Externer Link.

  • Pham Chi Vinh, P.G. Malischewsky (2007). An approach for obtaining approximate formulas for the Rayleigh wave velocity, Wave Motion 44(7-8), 549-562, doi: 10.1016/j.wavemoti.2007.02.001Externer Link.

  • Pham Chi Vinh, P.G. Malischewsky (2007). An improved approximation of Bergmann's form for the Rayleigh wave velocity, Ultrasonics 47(1-4), 49-54, doi: 10.1016/j.ultras.2007.07.002Externer Link.

  • Zürn, W., J. Exß, H. Steffen, C. Kroner, T. Jahr, M. Westerhaus (2007). On Reduction of Long Period Horizontal Seismic Noise using Local Barometric Pressure. Geophys. J. Int. 171(2), 780-796, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2007.03553.xExterner Link.

  • Hasan, S., P. Troch, J. Boll, C. Kroner (2006). Modeling of the hydrological effect on local gravity at Moxa, Germany. J. Hydrometeorol. 7(3), 346-354, doi: 10.1175/JHM488.1Externer Link.

  • Jahr, T., G. Jentzsch, A. Gebauer (2006). Observations of fluid induced deformation of the upper crust of the Earth: Investigations about the large scale injection experiment at the KTB site/Germany. Bull. d'Inf. Marées Terr. 141, 11271-11276.

  • Jahr, T., C. Kroner, A. Lippmann (2006). Strainmeters at Moxa observatory, Germany. J. Geodyn. 41(1-3), 205-212, doi: 10.1016/j.jog.2005.08.017Externer Link.

  • Jahr, T., H. Letz, G. Jentzsch (2006). Monitoring fluid induced deformation of the Earth´s crust: A large scale experiment at the KTB location/Germany. J. Geodyn. 41(1-3), 190-197, doi: 10.1016/j.jog.2005.08.003Externer Link.

  • Jentzsch, G. (2006). Editorial, Proc. 15th Int. Symp. Earth Tides, Ottawa, Canada, 2-6 August 2004. J. Geodyn. 41(1-3), 1-4, doi: 10.1016/j.jog.2005.10.005Externer Link.

  • Jentzsch, G., T. Jahr, H. Ishii (2006). News from the Geodynamic Observatory Moxa: the 4-component borehole strainmeter. Bull. d'Inf. Marées Terr. 141, 11245-11251.

  • Krause, P., M. Fink, C. Kroner (2006). Soil moisture measurement and simulation and their impact on gravimetric measurements. Bull. d'Inf. Marées Terr. 142, 11377-11386.

  • Kroner, C. (2006). Hydrological signals in the SG records at Moxa - a follow-up. Bull. d'Inf. Marées Terr. 142, 11353-11358.

  • Kroner, C., T. Jahr (2006). Hydrological experiments around the superconducting gravimeter at Moxa Observatory. J. Geodyn. 41(1-3), 268-275, doi: 10.1016/j.jog.2005.08.012Externer Link.

  • Kroner, C., T. Jahr, H. Kämpf, W.H. Geissler (2006). Der "Tuffschlot" bei Ebersbrunn/Westsachsen, der partiell erodierte Rest eines Maar-Diatrem-Vulkans, Z. geol. Wiss. 34( 3-4), 143-157.

  • Naujoks, M., C. Kroner, T. Jahr, A. Weise (2006). From a disturbing influence to a desired signal: Hydrological effects in gravity observations (ext. abs.). Bull. d'Inf. Marées Terr. 142, 11359-11360.

  • Neumeyer, J., F. Barthelmes, O. Dierks, F. Flechtner, M. Harnisch, G. Harnisch, J. Hinderer, Y. Imanishi, C. Kroner, B. Meurers, S. Petrovic, C. Reigber, R. Schmidt, P. Schwintzer, H.-P. Sun, H. Virtanen (2006). Combination of temporal gravity variations resulting from superconducting gravimeter recordings, GRACE satellite observations and global hydrology models. J. Geod. 79(10-11), 573-585, doi: 10.1007/s00190-005-0014-8Externer Link.

  • Saleh, S., T. Jahr, G. Jentzsch, A. Saleh, N.M. Abou Ashour (2006). Crustal evaluation of the northern Red Sea rift and Gulf of Suez, Egypt from geophysical data: 3-dimensional modelling. J. Afr. Earth Sci. 45(3), 257-278. doi: 10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2006.02.001Externer Link.

  • Simon, D., T. Klügel, C. Kroner (2006). Comparison of variations in air mass attraction derived from radiosonde data and a meteorological weather model. Bull. d'Inf. Marées Terr. 142, 11323-11330.

  • Steffen, H., S. Kuhlmann, T. Jahr, C. Kroner (2006). Numerical modelling of the barometric pressure induced noise in horizontal components the observatories Moxa and Schiltach. J. Geodyn. 41(1-3), 242-252, doi: 10.1016/j.jog.2005.08.011Externer Link.

  • Zahran, K.H., G. Jentzsch, G. Seeber (2006). Accuracy assessment of ocean tide loading computations for precise geodetic observations. J. Geodyn. 42(4-5), 159-174, doi: 10.1616/j.jog.2006.07.002Externer Link.

  • Fernández, J., K.F. Tiampo, J.B. Rundle, G. Jentzsch (2005). On the interpretation of vertical gravity gradients produced by magmatic intrusions. J. Geodyn. 39(5), 475-492. doi: 10.1016/j.jog.2005.04.005Externer Link.

  • Jahr, T., G. Jentzsch, H. Letz, M. Sauter (2005): Fluid injection and surface deformation at the KTB location: Modelling of expected tilt effects. Geofluids 5(1), 20-27, doi: 10.1111/j.1468-8123.2004.00103.xExterner Link.

  • Kroner, C., O. Dierks, J. Neumeyer, H. Wilmes (2005). Analysis of records from dual sensor superconducting gravimeters. Phys. Earth Planet. Inter. 153(4), 210-219, doi: 10.1016/j.pepi.2005.07.002Externer Link.

  • Kroner, C., T. Jahr, S. Kuhlmann, K.D. Fischer (2005). Pressure-induced noise in horizontal seismometer and strainmeter records and its transfer mechanisms evaluated by FE-modelling. Geophys. J. Int. 161(1), 167-178, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2005.024576.xExterner Link.

  • Kroner, C., G. Jentzsch (2005). Report of the Working Group on "Analysis of Environmental Data for the Interpretation of Gravity Measurements". Bull. d'Inf. Marées Terr. 140, 11127-11128.

  • Zahran, K.H., G. Jentzsch, G. Seeber (2005). World-wide synthetic tide parameters for gravity and vertical and horizontal displacements. J. Geod. 79(6-7), 293-299, doi: 10.1007/s00190-005-0460-3Externer Link.

  • Fischer, K.D., T. Jahr, G. Jentzsch (2004). Evolution of the Variscan foreland-basin: Modelling the interactions between tectonics and surface processes. Phys. Chem. Earth 29(10), 665-671, doi: 10.1016/j.pce.2004.03.004Externer Link.

  • Jentzsch, G., D. Crossley, J. Hinderer, S. Takemoto (2004). Time Varying Gravimetry, GGP, and Vertical Crustal Motions (Editorial). J. Geodyn. 38(3-5), 223-224, doi: 10.1016/j.jog.2004.08.001Externer Link.
  • Jentzsch, G., A. Weise, C. Rey, C. Gerstenecker (2004). Gravity changes and internal processes: Some results obtained from observations at three volcanoes. Pure Appl. Geophys. 161(7), 1415-1431, doi: 10.1007/s00024-004-2512-7Externer Link.

  • Kroner, C., T. Jahr, G. Jentzsch (2004): Results of 44 months of observations with a superconducting gravimeter at Moxa/Germany. J. Geodyn. 38(3-5), 263-280, doi: 10.1016/j.jog.2004.07.012Externer Link.

  • Kurz, J., T. Jahr, G. Jentzsch (2004). Earthquake swarm examples and a look at the generation mechanism of the Vogtland/Western Bohemia earthquake swarms. Phys. Earth Planet. Inter. 142(1-2), 75-88, doi: 10.1016/j.pepi.2003.12.007Externer Link.

  • Neumeyer J., P. Schwintzer, F. Barthelmes, O. Dierks, Y. Imanishi, C. Kroner, B. Meurers, H.-P. Sun, H. Virtanen (2004). Comparison of Superconducting Gravimeter and CHAMP Satellite derived Temporal Gravity Variations. In: C. Reigber, H. Lühr, P. Schwintzer, J. Wickert (Hrsg.), Earth Observations with CHAMP Results from Three Years in Orbit. Springer, ISBN 978-3-540-22804-2, 31-36.

  • Sun, H.-P., G. Jentzsch, J.Q. Xu, H.-T. Hsu, X.-D. Chen, J.-C. Zhou (2004). Earth's Free Core Nutation Determined using C032 Superconducting Gravimeter at Station Wuhan/China. J. Geodyn. 38(3-5), 451-460, doi: 10.1016/j.jog.2004.07.007Externer Link.

  • Tiampo, K.F., J. Fernández, G. Jentzsch, M. Charco, J.B. Rundle (2004). Volcanic source inversion using a genetic algorithm and an elastic-gravitational layered earth model for magmatic intrusions. Compu. & Geosci. 30(9-10), 985-1001, doi:Externer Link 10.1016/j.cageo.2004.07.005Externer Link.

  • Tiampo, K.F., J. Fernández, G. Jentzsch, M. Charco, J.B. Rundle (2004). New results at Mayon, Philippines, from a joint inversion of gravity and deformation measurements. Pure Appl. Geophys. 161(7), 1433-1452, doi: 10.1007/s00024-004-2513-6Externer Link.

  • Tiampo, K.F., J. Fernández, G. Jentzsch, M. Charco, C. Tiede, C. Gerstenecker, A. Camacho, J.B. Rundle (2004). Elastic-gravitational modeling of geodetic data in active volcanic areas. Recent Res. Devel. Geophys. 6, 37-58, (ISBN: 978-81-7736-201-1).

  • Hemmann, A., T. Meier, G. Jentzsch, A. Ziegert (2003). Similarity of waveforms and relative relocation of the earthquake swarm 1997/98 near Werdau. J. Geodyn. 35(1-2), 191-208, doi: 10.1016/S0264-3707(02)00062-5Externer Link.

  • Hofmann, Y., T. Jahr, G. Jentzsch (2003). Gravimetric modelling and studies of the gravity field of the Vogtland area and its surroundings. J. Geodyn. 35(1-2), 209-220, doi: 10.1016/S02643707(02)00063-7Externer Link.

  • Jentzsch, G., M. Korn, A. Špicák (2003) (Eds.). The swarm earthquakes in the area Vogtland/NW-Bohemia: Interaction of tectonic stress and fluid migration in a magmatic environment (Editorial). J. Geodyn. 35(1-2), 1-3, doi: 10.1016/S0264-3707(02)00050-9Externer Link.

  • Kurz, J., T. Jahr, G. Jentzsch (2003). Geodynamic modelling of the recent stress and strain field in the Vogtland swarm earthquake area using the finite-element method. J. Geodyn. 35(1-2), 247-258, doi: 10.1016/S0264-3707(02)00066-2Externer Link.

  • Appel, D., V. Bräuer, G. Jentzsch, K.-H. Lux (2002). Geowissenschaftliche Kriterien zur Endlagerstandortsuche für radioaktive Abfälle - Ergebnisse des Arbeitskreises Auswahlverfahren Endlagerstandorte. Z. Angew. Geol 2/2002, 40-47.

  • Gutdeutsch, R., D. Kaiser, G. Jentzsch (2002). Estimation of earthquake magnitudes from epicentral intensities and other focal parameters in Central and Southern Europe. Geophys. J. Int. 151(3), 824-834, doi: 10.1046/j1365-246X.2002.01804.xExterner Link.

  • Jentzsch, G., S. Graupner, A. Weise, H. Ishii, S. Nakao (2002). Environmental effects in tilt data of Nokogiriyama Observatory. Bull. d'Inf. Marées Terr. 137, 10931-10937.

  • Kroner, C., T. Jahr, G. Jentzsch (2002). Comparison of results obtained with a dual sensor superconducting gravimeter. Bull. d'Inf. Marées Terr. 135, 10617-10620.

  • Sun, H.-P., H.-T. Hsu, G. Jentzsch, J.-Q. Xu (2002). Tidal gravity observations obtained with a superconducting gravimeter at Wuhan/China and its application to geodynamics. J. Geodyn. 33(1-2), 187-198, doi: 10.1016/S0264-3707(01)00063-1Externer Link.

  • Gabriel, G., T. Jahr, U. Weber (2001). The gravity field south of the Harz Mountains: Predominated by granitc material. Z. geol. Wiss. 29(3), 249-266.

  • Ishii, H., G. Jentzsch, S. Graupner, S. Nakao, M. Ramatschi, A. Weise (2001): Observatory Nokogiriyama/Japan: Comparison of different tiltmeters, J. Geod. Soc. Japan 47(1), 155-160.

  • Jahr, T., G. Jentzsch, C. Kroner (2001). The Geodynamic Observatory Moxa/Germany: Instrumentation and Purposes. J. Geod. Soc. Japan 47(1), 34-39.

  • Jentzsch, G., O. Haase, C. Kroner, U. Winter (2001). Mayon volcano, Philippines: some insights into stress balance. J. Vol. Geotherm. Res. 109(1-3), 205-217, doi: 10.1016/S0377-0273(00)00312-7Externer Link.

  • Jentzsch, G., R.S. Punongbayan, U. Schreiber, G. Seeber, C. Völksen, A. Weise (2001). Mayon volcano, Philippines: Change of monitoring strategy after microgravity and GPS measurements from 1992 to 1996. J. Volc. Geotherm. Res. 109(1-3), 219-234, doi: 10.1016/S0377-0273(00)00313-9Externer Link.

  • Kroner, C. (2001). Hydrological effects on gravity data of the Geodynamic Observatory Moxa. J. Geod. Soc. Japan 47(1), 353-358.

  • Kroner, C., T. Jahr, G. Jentzsch (2001). Comparison of Data Sets Recorded with the Dual Sphere Superconducting Gravimeter CD 034 at the Geodynamic Observatory Moxa. J. Geod. Soc. Japan 47(1), 398-403.

  • Hofmann, Y., T. Jahr, G. Jentzsch, P. Bankwitz, K. Bram (2000). The Gravity Field of the Vogtland and NW Bohemia: Presentation of a Project. Studia Geophys. Geod. 44(4), 608-610, doi: 10.1023/A:1021880021225Externer Link.

  • Jentzsch, G., R. Mahatsente, T. Jahr (2000). Three dimensional inversion of gravity data from the main Ethiopian Rift. Phys. Chem. Earth (A) 25(4), 365-373, doi: 10.1016/S1464-1895(00)00058-2Externer Link.

  • Mahatsente, R., G. Jentzsch, T. Jahr (2000). Three dimensional inversion of gravity data from the Main Ethiopian Rift. J. Afr. Earth Sci. 31(2), 451-466, doi: 10.1016/S0899-5362(00)00099-3Externer Link.

  • Jentzsch, G., C. Kroner (1999). Environmental effects on the gravity vector - a short overview. Bull. d'Inf. Marées Terr. 131, 10105 - 10112.

  • Kroner, C., G. Jentzsch (1999). Comparison of different barometric pressure reductions for gravity data and resulting consequences. Phys. Earth Planet. Inter. 115(3-4), 205-208, doi: 10.1016/S0031-9201(99)00079-5Externer Link.

  • Mahatsente, R., G. Jentzsch, T. Jahr (1999). Crustal structure of the Main Ethiopian Rift from gravity data: 3-dimensional modeling. Tectonophys. 313(4), 363-382, doi: 10.1016/S0040-1951(99)00213-9Externer Link.

  • Süss, M., S. Schrader, K. Fischer, A. Schäfer, W. Ricken, G. Jentzsch, T. Jahr, G. Drozdzewski (1998). Modelling and Simulation of the Variscan Foreland in the Carboniferous (Visean to Stephanian) - From Sedimentary Models to the Dynamic of the Lithosphere, Terra Nostra 98(2), 147-148.

  • Weise, A., G. Jentzsch, A. Kiviniemi, J. Kääriäinen (1998). Comparison of long-period tilt measurements: results from the two clinometric stations Metsähovi and Lohja, Finland. J. Geodyn. 27(2), 237-257, doi: 10.1016/S0264-370(97)0067-7Externer Link.

  • Gabriel, G., T. Jahr, G. Jentzsch, J. Melzer (1997). Deep structure and evolution of the Harz Mountains: Results of three-dimensional gravity and finite-element modeling. Tectonophys. 270(3-4), 279-299, doi: 10.1016/S0040-1951(96)00176-XExterner Link.


  • Herbozo G, Kukowski N, Pecher I (2021) Tectonic BSR hypothesis at the Peruvian margin: a forgotten way to see marine gas hydrate systems at convergent margins. In: Mienert J, Berndt C (eds) Gas Hydrate Atlas. Springer

  • Malischewsky, P. G. (2018). Surface Waves, In: Altenbach, H., Öchsner, A. (eds.), Encyclopedia of Continuum Mechanics, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 2393-2402.

  • Kukowski, N. 2014. Buchkapitel: Earthquake, Encyclopedia of Marine Geosciences, Springer Sciences+Business Media Dordrecht, DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-6644-0_106-1Externer Link

  • Kukowski, N. 2014. Buchkapitel: Wadati-Benioff Zone, Encyclopedia of Marine Geosciences, Springer Sciences+Business Media Dordrecht, DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-6644-0_108-1Externer Link

Andere Veröffentlichungen (Berichte, Artikel ohne Review)

Bis 2020

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  • Zinke, C., Jahr, T. (2020). Geophysikalische Prospektion zum Nachweis von Siedlungsstrukturen einer Wüstung bei Hohenfelden (Thüringen), AVN, 4/2020, 127, 174-181.

  • Jahr, T., Weise, A. (2020). Storm surges in the German Bight: Are they detectable as gravity field variations at the Geodynamic Observatory Moxa in Thuringia, Germany? AVN, 4/2020, 127, 182-190.

  • Malischewsky, P. (2018). Das Wiechert-Gemälde im ehemaligen Institut für Erdbebenforschung in Jena, In: Festschrift 25 Jahre Institut für Geowissenschaften, FSU Jena 2018, 83-91.

  • Braitenberg, C., Rossi, G., Bogusz, J., Grescentini, L., Crossley, D., Gross, R.,  Heki, J., Hinderer, J., Jahr, T., Meurers, B., Schuh, H. (2018). Editorial note for the Geodesy and Geodynamics journal special issue Contemporary Research in Geodynamics and Earth Tides: An account of the 18th Geodynamics and Earth Tides Symposium 2016, Trieste, Italy, Geodesy and Geodynamics 9, 183-186, Link

  • Jahr, T., Weise, A., Hagedorn, D., Schmaljohann, F., Löffler, F., Zakosarenko, V., Stolz, R. (2018). Entwicklung von Komponenten und erste Tests für ein neues supraleitendes 3-Komponenten Gravimeter HR-SG-01. Allg. Verm. Nachr. AVN, 5/2018, 125, 133-139.

  • Braitenberg, C., Rossi, G., Bogusz, J., Grescentini, L., Gross, R., Hinderer, J., Jahr, T., Meurers, B., Schuh, H. (2018). Geodynamics and Earth Tides Observations from Global to Micro Scale: Introduction, Pure and Applied Geophysics, pp 1-3, Link

  • Jahr, T., Jentzsch, G., Walzer, U. (2018). Das Geodynamische Observatorium Moxa. In: 25 Jahre Institut für Geowissenschaften, Eigenverlag Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Hrsg. Heubeck, C., S. 45-55, ISBN-Nr. 978-3-9818697-9-8, (nicht peer-reviewed).

  • Jahr, T., Werner, M., Heide, K. (2018). Georadar-Erkundung des Untergrundes der Marienkirche in Ziegenhain bei Jena/Thüringen. Allg. Verm. Nachr. AVN, 7/2018, 125, 203-208.

  • Malischewsky, P. (2017). In Memoriam Cinna Lomnitz (Personal Memories), Geofisica Internacional 56, pp. 1-2.

  • Jahr, T. (2017). Die Ursache der Gezeiten. In: ZEIT WISSEN, Nr. 6, 2017, Rubrik: Die beste Erklärung, S. 102.

  • Jahr, T., Linzen, S., Schüler, T. (2017). Geophysikalische Prospektionen auf dem Alten Gleisberg. In: Alter Gleisberg I, Eine Höhensiedlung der Bronze- und Eisenzeit bei Jena. Jenaer Schriften zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte, Bd. 7, Beier & Beran. Archäologische Fachliteratur Jena & Langenweissbach, ISBN-Nr. 978-3-95741-078-8, 216-228.

  • Dontsov, D., W. Pöschel, W. Schott, N. Kukowski, T. Jahr, P. Schindler (2016). Tidal earth crust deformation measurements. tm - Technisches Messen 2016; 83(7-8),  439-444. DOI: 10.1515/teme-2015-0014.

  • Malischewsky, P. (2016). Cinna Lomnitz (1925-2016), IASPEI Newsletter December 2016, pp. 4-5.

  • Malischewsky, P. (2016). In Memoriam Cinna Lomnitz (1925-2016), DGG-Mitteilungen 3/2016, S. 40.


Bis 2015

  • Jentzsch, G., Ricker, R., Weise, A., Capra, M., Dubbini, M., Zanutta, A. (2014). Micro-Gravity Measurements in Northern Victoria-Land, Antarctica: A Feasibility Study. in: Earth on the Edge: Science for a Sustainable Planet, C. Rizos and P. Willis (eds.), International Association of Geodesy Symposia 139, 429-434, DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-37222-3_57Externer Link

  • Malischewsky, P. G.; Karakostas, V.; Papadimitrou, E. (2014): Some new findings concerning the theory of H/V-method (in Greek), Physics News 9, 41-42

  • Ettel, P., C. Arnold, T. Jahr, L. Kleinsteuber, W. Mörbe, E. Paust, R. Rochlitz, F. Schneider, H. Schneider, (2015). Geoarchäologisches Praktikum der FSU Jena 2012 /13 auf dem Alten Gleisberg, Saale-Holzland-Kreis, in: Neue Ausgrabungen und Funde in Thüringen, 8, 2014-15, ISBN 978-3-95741-036-8

  • Jahr, T. (2015). Variation der Gezeitenparameter am Geodynamischen Observatorium Moxa aus Beobachtungen mit einem supraleitenden Gravimeter. Allg. Verm. Nachr. AVN, 122, 163-167.

  • Jahr, T., F. Bock, A. Weise (2015). Mikrogravimetrische Untersuchungen in der Marienkirche in Ziegenhain bei Jena. Allg. Verm. Nachr. AVN, 122, 184-189.

  • Jentzsch, G., R. Schulz, A. Weise (2015). Ein bekanntes Prinzip in einem neuen Gravimeter: das automatisierte Burris-Gravimeter. Allg. Verm. Nachr. AVN, 122, 168-175.

  • Queitsch, M., Jentzsch, G., Weise, A., Ishii, H., Asai, Y. (2014). Pumping Induced Pore Pressure Changes in Tilt Measurements Near a Fault Zone in Mizunami, Japan. in: Earth on the Edge: Science for a Sustainable Planet, C. Rizos and P. Willis (eds.), International Association of Geodesy Symposia 139, 113-118, DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-37222-3_14Externer Link

  • Schindler, P., Jahr, T., Jentzsch, G., Kukowski N. (2014). High Precision Deformation Monitoring at the Geodynamic Observatory Moxa/Thuringia, Germany. in: Earth on the Edge: Science for a Sustainable Planet, C. Rizos and P. Willis (eds.), International Association of Geodesy Symposia 139, 141-147, DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-37222-3_18Externer Link

  • Zeumann, St., Sharma, R., Gassmöller, R., Jahr, T., Jentzsch, G. (2014). New Finite-Element Modelling of Subduction Processes in the Andes using realistic Geometries. in: Earth on the Edge: Science for a Sustainable Planet, C. Rizos and P. Willis (eds.), International Association of Geodesy Symposia 139, 105-111, DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-37222-3_13Externer Link

  • Dijksma, R., H.A.J. van Lanen, G. Bier, T. Jahr (2013). Groundwater modeling in shales at a steep hill near Jena. Die Bodenkultur, special issue: environment-water, 64. Band, Heft 3-4, ISSN 0006-5471, 27-32, PDF-DownloadExterner Link.

  • Flores-Estrella, H., P. G. Malischewsky, G. Jentzsch (2013). H/V spectral ratios analysis and Rayleigh Modelization in Eastern Thuringia, Germany, Geofísica Internacional, 52-4:355-364, PDF-DownloadExterner Link.

  • Ettel, P., T. Jahr, L. Kleinsteuber, A. Petruck, F. Schneider, H. Schneider, C. Tannhäuser, St. Zeumann (2013). Geoarchäologisches Praktikum der FSU Jena 2010 und 2011 auf dem Alten Gleisberg, Saale-Holzland-Kreis, in: Neue Ausgrabungen und Funde in Thüringen, 7, 2012-13, ISBN 978-3-941171-80-0

  • Jahr, T., N. Kukowski (2013). Moderne Langzeitbeobachtungen am Geodynamischen Observatorium Moxa: Thüringer Dynamik zwischen Atmosphäre und Lithosphäre. In: Goethes weiteres Erbe - 200 Jahre Klimastation Jena. Annalen der Meteorologie, 46, 68-72, ISBN 978-3-88148-469-5

  • Dannberg, J., A. Goepel, T. Jahr, M. Ude, L. Viereck (2012). Geomagnetische Charakterisierung des Vulkankomplexes Gompertshausen in der Heldburger Gangschar. Ein-Blicke - Vom Gestern zum Heute, 25 Jahre Deutsche Vulkanologische Gesellschaft e.V., eds. L. Viereck, ISBN: 978-3-86972-020-3, 71-78.

  • Ettel, P., T. Jahr, A. Meier, B. Michalzik, M. Naujoks, S. Richter, H. Schneider, R. Schöner, C. Tannhäuser (2011). Geoaräologisches Praktikum der FSU Jena 2009 auf dem Alten Gleisberg, Saale-Holzland-Kreis. Neue Ausgr. u. Funde in Thüringen (NAuF), Archäolog. Gesell. in Thüringen (ISBN 978-3-941171-66-4), 75-90.

  • Jentzsch, G. (2011). Geodynamics of North-Victoria-Land, Antarctica, derived from GPS and micro-gravity measurements. GANOVEX X, Terra Antartica Rep.

  • Naujoks, M., S. Eisner, C. Kroner, A. Weise, P. Krause, T. Jahr (2010). Local hydrological information in gravity time series: application and reduction. Geodesy for Planet Earth, IAG Symposia Series 136, Springer, ISBN 978-3-642-20337-4, 297-304.


Vor 2010

  • Jentzsch, G. (2004). Jena, eine Wiege der Seismologie in Deutschland. In: TechnikGeschichte in Jena e.V. (Hrsg.), Jenaer Jahrbuch zur Technik- und Industriegeschichte 2004. Glaux, Jena, ISBN 3-931743-77-2.

  • Naujoks, M., T. Jahr, G. Jentzsch, J. Kurz (2004). Den Schwarmerdbeben auf der Spur: Vergleichende geodynamische Modellierungen zu Kenia-Rift und Vogtland. In: Tagungsband der 16. deutschsprachigen ABAQUS-Benutzerkonferenz 2004 vom 20. bis 21. September 2004 in Königswinter.

  • Jentzsch, G. (2008). The automated Burris gravity meter - a new instrument using an old principle. Proc. Sympos. Terr. Gravimetry: Static and Mobile Measurements, St. Petersburg, Russia, 20-23 Aug. 2007, 21-28.
  • Kopaev, A.V., V.D. Yushkin, G. Jentzsch, S. Merlet, F. Pereira Das Santos (2008). Laboratory and field experiences with Sodin, ZLS Burris and Scintrex CG5 Gravimeters (abstract). Proc. Sympos. Terr. Gravimetry: Static and Mobile Measurements, St. Petersburg, Russia, 20-23 Aug. 2007, 186.

  • Korjenkov, A.M., D. Kaiser, S. Graupner (2007). Preliminary analysis of damages of possible seismic origin to historical monuments in north-eastern Germany. Proc. Perpignon workshop french VIIe Rencontres du Groupe APS, 197-213.

  • Jahr, T., G. Jentzsch, H. Letz, A. Gebauer (2006). Tilt observation around the KTB-Site/Germany: Monitoring and Modelling of Fluid induced deformation of the upper Crust of the Earth. Dynamic Planet, IAG Symposia Series 130, Springer, ISBN 978-3-540-49349-5, 467-472.

  • Kroner, C., T. Jahr, M. Naujoks, A. Weise (2006). Hydrological signals in gravity - foe or friend? Dynamic Planet, IAG Symposia Series 130, Springer, ISBN 978-3-540-49349-5, 504-510.

  • Naujoks, M., T. Jahr, G. Jentzsch, J. Kurz, Y. Hofmann (2006). Investigations about earthquake swarm areas and processes. Dynamic Planet, IAG Symposia Series 130, Springer, ISBN 978-3-540-49349-5, 528-535.

  • Jentzsch, G., T. Jahr, H. Letz, A. Gebauer (2005). Erdeigenschwingungen nach dem Sumatra-Erdbeben vom 26. Dezember 2004 - beobachtet mit fünf ASKANIA-Bohrloch-Neigungsmessern an der KTB. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft, 1/2005, 12-13.

  • Krause, P., M. Fink, C. Kroner, M. Sauter, T. Scholten (2005). Hydrological processes in a small catchment and their impact on gravimetric measurements. Proc. Headwater 2005, Bergen, CD-ROM.

  • Adams, J., L. Burris, G. Jentzsch, A. Kopaev, H. Valliant (2004). The Automated Burris Gravity Meter - a new instrument for surveying and continuous operation. Abstract Book, 15th Intern. Symp. Earth Tides, Ottawa, Aug. 2 - 6 (2004).

  • Appel, D., J. Daemen, G. Danko, Y. Dublyansky, R. Ewing, G. Jentzsch, H. Letz, A. Makhijani (2004). Review of ANDRA's Research Program for Determining the Suitability of the Bure Site for Geologic Isolation of Long-Lived Highly Radioactive Waste. Inst. Energy Environ. Res. for the Committee Locale d'Information et de Suivi, Takoma Park, ML, 182p.

  • Jentzsch, G. (2004). Earth tides - a beautiful, but remote subject? In: J.Z. Zhu, H.-P. Sun (Eds.), Progress in Geodesy and Geodynamics, Hubei Science and Technology Press, Wuhan (2004), 71 - 78.

  • Vajda, P., L. Brimich, G. Jentzsch, T. Jahr, A. Weise (2004): Towards interpreting gravity changes by means of the Truncation Filtering Methodology: Mayon volcano, Philippines, case study. Contrib. Geophys. Geod. 34(1).

  • Jentzsch, G. (2003). Die Ergebnisse des AKEnd: Neue Wege zur Endlagerung radioaktiver Abfälle. In: Dally, A. (Hrsg.): Atommüll und sozialer Friede - Strategien der Standortsuche für nukleare Endlager, Loccumer Protokolle 05/2003, 25-72.

  • AKEnd: Arbeitskreis Auswahlverfahren Endlagerstandorte des BMU (2002). Auswahlverfahren für Endlagerstandorte - Empfehlungen des AkEnd. Abschlussbericht, Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit (BMU), Referat RS III 4 (A), 260 S.

  • Charco, M., J. Fernández, K.F. Tiampo, T.-T. Yu, G. Jentzsch (2002). Efecto de la topografía en las deformaciones y variaciones de gravedad producidas por una intrusión magmática en la corteza. Aplicación al volcán Mayon, Filipinas. Asamblea Hispano-Portuguesa de Geodesia y Geofísica. Valencia (España) 4-8 Febrero 2002. Proc. Tomo II. Editorial UPV. 741-745 (ISBN: 84-9705-299-4).

  • Jentzsch, G. (2002). Temperaturempfindlichkeit der Gesteine. Zuarbeit zum Bericht des AKEnd des BMU (2002), 28 S.

  • Klinge, K., C. Kroner, W. Zürn (2002). Broadband seismic noise at stations of the GRSN. In: M. Korn (Hrsg.), 10 Years of German Regional Seismic Network (GRSN), Wiley-VHC, Weinheim, ISBN 3-527-27514-4.

  • Gerstenecker, C., G. Jentzsch, G. Läufer, B. Snitil, I. Suyanto, A. Weise (2001). Repetition Network and Digital Elevation Models at Mount Merapi, Indonesia. Proc. High Prec. Gravity Meas. with Application to Geodynamics and Second GGP Workshop, March 24-26 (1999), Cahier du Centre Européen de Géodynamique et de Séismologie 17, 201-205.

  • Hofmann, Y., U. Koppelt, C. Kroner, N. Abrahamsen, G. Dittrich, J. Frandsen (2001). Geophysikalische Verfahren in der Archäologie: Untersuchungen im Bereich der Festung Kalø, Dänemark. Mitteilungen aus der DGG, Nr. 3, 3-8.

  • Jentzsch, G., M. Calvache, A. Bermudez, M. Ordonez, A. Weise, G. Moncayo (2000). Microgravity and GPS at Galeras/Colombia: The new network and first results. 2nd Merapi-Galeras Workshop, Hannover, Nov. 1997, Deutsche Geophys. Gesellsch., Sonderband IV/2000, (eds.: B. Buttkus, S. Greinwald, J. Ostwald), 49-52.

  • Kroner, C., T. Jahr, G. Jentzsch, W. Zürn, R. Widmer-Schnidrig, B. Heck (2000). BFO and Moxa: two observatories for seismological broadband observations. Orfeus Newsletter 2(3), Dez. 2000.

  • Kroner, C. (2001). From 10-3 to 500 cpd, from local to global scale: Gravity observations with superconducting gravimeters. Proc. IAG Scientific Assembly, Budapest, Sept. 2001, CD-ROM.

  • Snitil, B., C. Gerstenecker, G. Jentzsch, G. Läufer, A. Setiawan, A. Weise (2000). Gravity and GPS-measurements at Mt. Merapi: Results of 4 campaigns. 2nd Merapi-Galeras Workshop, Hannover, Nov. 1999, Deutsche Geophys. Gesellsch., Sonderband IV/2000, (eds.: B. Buttkus, S. Greinwald, J. Ostwald), 65-68.

  • Fischer, K.D., M.P. Süss, T. Jahr, G. Jentzsch, A. Schäfer (1999). Modelling and simulating the Variscan Foreland in the Carboniferous - A numerical model of the geodynamic evolution, Terra Nostra 99(1), 81.

  • Gerstenecker, C., R. Heinrich, G. Jentzsch, D. Kracke, G. Läufer, I. Suyanto, A. Weise (1998). Microgravity at Merapi Volcano: Results of the first two campaigns. 1st Merapi-Galeras Workshop, June 25 (1998), Potsdam, Deutsche Geophys. Gesellsch., Sonderband III/1998 (eds.: J. Zschau, M. Westerhaus), 61- 64.

  • Jahr, T., G. Jentzsch, G. Gabriel, J. Melzer (1998). Gravity and geodynamic investigations of the Harz mountains/Germany from 1991 to 1997. 23rd Gen. Ass. Europ. Geophys. Soc., Nice, EGS News Letter, 16(1), SE36 (1998) C235.

  • Jahr, T., G. Jentzsch, R.S. Punongbayan, U. Schreiber, G. Seeber, C. Völksen, A. Weise (1998). Mayon volcano, Philippines: Improvement of hazard assessment by microgravity and GPS-measurements? Proc. Int. Symp. Curr. Crustal Mov. and Hazard Assess. (IUGG, IAG), Wuhan, Nov. 1997, Seismological Press, Beijing, 599-608.

  • Jentzsch, G., T. Jahr, A. Weise, U. Schreiber, G. Seeber, C. Völksen, R.S. Punongbayan (1998). Mayon volcano, Philippines: Change of monitoring strategy after microgravity and GPS measurements. Abstract, 23rd General Ass. Europ. Geophys. Soc., Nice, EGS News letter 16(1), SE33 (1998) 94.

  • Jentzsch, G., A. Weise (1998). The microgravity network at Galeras volcano/Colombia. 1st Merapi-Galeras Workshop, June 25 (1998), Potsdam, Deutsche Geophys. Gesellsch., Sonderband III/1998 (eds.: J. Zschau, M. Westerhaus), 57-59.

  • Kroner, C., T. Jahr, G. Jentzsch (1998). Time-dependent gravity and environmental observations at Moxa observatory: first results. Abstract, 23rd General Ass. Europ. Geophys. Soc., Nice, EGS News Letter 16(1), G1 (1998) C346.

  • Kroner, C., G. Jentzsch (1998). Comparison of air pressure reducing methods and discussion of other influences on gravity. Proc. 13th Int. Symp. Earth Tides, Brussels, July 1997, 423-430.

  • Gerstenecker, C., G. Jentzsch, G. Läufer, A. Weise (1997). Microgravity and GPS measurements at Merapi - Establishment of a new network. - Proc. Second Merapi Decade Volc. Int. Workshop, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, December 5-9 (1997).

  • Jentzsch, G., O. Haase, C. Kroner, U. Winter, R.S. Punongbayan (1997). Tidal triggering at Mayon volcano? Proc. Workshop 'Short Term Thermal and Hydrological Signatures Related to Tectonic Activities', Walferdange, Luxembourg, Nov. 1995, Cahier du Centre Européen de Géodynamique et de Séismologie 14, 95-104.

  • Kroner, C., G. Jentzsch (1997). Methods of air pressure reduction tested on Potsdam station. Bull. d'Inf. Marées Terr. 127, 9834-9842.