Samples of the annabergite-erythrite solid solution

Neue Publikation zur Mischkristallreihe Annabergit-Erythrin-Hörnesit

Diese neue Publikation von Prof. Majzlan bietet faszinierende Einblicke und neue physikalisch-chemische Erkenntnisse aus der Mischkristallreihe Annabergit-Erythrin-Hörnesit
Samples of the annabergite-erythrite solid solution
Foto: Prof. Juraj Majzlan

Thermodynamics of vivianite-group arsenates M3(AsO4)2 ⋅  8H2O (M is Ni, Co, Mg, Zn, Cu) and chemical variability in the natural arsenates of this group

Physical chemistry offers fascinating insights into the molecular structure and interactions of atoms in crystal structures. Seemingly simple structures and their solid solutions show complex behavior that can be described with the existing models and knowledge only with difficulties. In the latest study, we investigated the solid solutions of vivianite-type arsenate minerals annabergite (nickel arsenate), erythrite (cobalt arsenate), and hörnesite (magnesium arsenate). These solid solutions are made of at least two subsystems, with peculiar deviations from ideal behavior. The data can be used to better understand the occurrence of these arsenic-bearing minerals in nature, particularly at sites contaminated with arsenic. More information can be found at Link

Samples of the annabergite-erythrite solid solution

Foto: Prof. Juraj Majzlan