symbolic photo Writing Centre of the University of Jena

The bachelor thesis

Information and suggestions for topics
symbolic photo Writing Centre of the University of Jena
Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)

Information about the bachelor thesis

"Through the Bachelor's thesis, the candidate should prove that he or she is able to work independently on a problem from his or her subject using scientific methods within a given period of time. The Bachelor's thesis concludes the course of study." (§11 paragraph 1 of the examination regulations)

Date of admission

Students of the B.Sc. Geosciences program who are enrolled at least in the 3rd year of study at FSU Jena and have successfully completed all compulsory modules of the first two years of study are eligible for the Bachelor thesis. In addition, at least 120 LP must be proven.

Application for admission

The application for admission to the Bachelor thesis must be submitted in writing at least two weeks before the start of the processing period. It can be downloaded from the Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Sciences page under Applications and FormsExternal link. Please fill out the application and bring it to the examination office. There it will be checked if all requirements for the admission to the bachelor thesis are fulfilled. Please write your name and the names of the first and second supervisor legibly!

The Bachelor thesis can also be admitted as a group thesis if the individual examination performance of each candidate can be clearly distinguished and assessed. Detailed information can be found in the examination regulations §11 paragraph 7.

Good scientific practice

Students follow the rules of good scientific practice in the Bachelor thesis. The rules are summarized in the memorandum of the German Research Foundationpdf, 691 kb · de.

Expert opinion

Here you will find a checklistpdf, 47 kb · de of the aspects that are considered during the assessment of the Bachelor thesis. The bachelor thesis is assessed by two examiners.

Submission of the Bachelor thesis

The Bachelor thesis has to be submitted after 8 weeks of processing time in three hard bound copies (no ring binding!) to the examination office of the Faculty of Chemical and Geosciences.

Notes on the extension of bachelor theses

According to §11 paragraph 4 of the examination regulations, final theses can be extended by 3 weeks upon application to the examination board.

The informal application is to be submitted in writing by the candidate to the Examination Committee BSc Geosciences. The consent of the supervisors must be obtained in advance and documented on the application. The reason for the extension must not be the candidate's own fault. Informal requests should be submitted no later than 2 weeks prior to the submission deadline established with the admission to the thesis. After the application has been reviewed, the candidate and the Examination Office will be informed of the decision.

Further information can be found in the examination regulations of the BSc program.

New findings on the highly carcinogenic mineral erionite
New findings on the highly carcinogenic mineral erionite
Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)

Suggested topics for bachelor theses

Possible topics were presented at an event on November 7, 2018. The presentations in PDF format are posted here:

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Topics can also be asked directly in the research groups: