
BSc and MSc Geosciences​

Image: IGW

The Institute of Geosciences offers Bachelor of Science in Geosciences, Master of Science in Geosciences (with major in Geology, Geophysics or Mineralogy), and Doctoral degrees with a Dr. rer. nat. degree.


Balancierender Felsen

Image: IGW

Why study geosciences?

The geosciences belong to the natural sciences and investigate the Earth system. Through the observation of geological processes taking place today, from the field and laboratory examination of rocks and minerals and on the basis of physical-chemical effects, generally valid laws are derived. (...)

An information filmExternal link vividly describes the goals and contents of the study of geosciences in Jena as well as job descriptions. The online study checkExternal link provides a comprehensive introduction.

Application and registration

  • Bachelor


    One of the following educational paths must have been completed:

    • General university entrance qualification
    • Successful completion of a master craftsman's examination             
    • Successful completion of a course of training to become a state-certified technician or a state-certified business economist
    • Specialized university entrance qualification
    • Special access for professionals without a high school diploma

    Detailed information can be found on the FSU application pageExternal link.

    Admission restriction and enrollment deadlines

    The Geosciences B. Sc. program is not subject to any admission restrictions. Therefore, it is not necessary to apply for a study place; you can enroll directly in the program. The language of instruction is usually German, and the study program is available as a full-time or part-time program. In the case of full-time study, the standard period of study is 6 semesters.

    The semester begins on April 1 in the summer semester and on October 1 in the winter semester.

    Please refer to theFSU application pageExternal link for enrollment deadlines and information on required documents (online for both the first and higher semesters) (please follow the query mask).

    Change of university to a higher semester in Jena

    In case of enrollment in a higher subject semester, the corresponding recognition notices from the responsible examination office must be submitted along with the confirmation of the respective subject semesters.

    Contact persons and questions

    ... can be found on the FSU application page de.

    If you have any questions regarding enrollment, please contact the Student Advisory Service or the FSU Student Service Center de.

  • Master

    Entrance requirement and application

    The admission requirement for the M. Sc. Geosciences program is a qualified university degree in a course of study in geosciences with study achievements amounting to at least 180 credit points (LP) with the degree Bachelor of Science or an equivalent university degree in a subject-related course of study that was evaluated with the overall grade "good" or better.

    Graduates of related courses of study (in particular physics, chemistry, materials science, other geosciences or environmental studies) are generally admitted if their degree is equivalent. Equivalency is generally given if courses with a total of 60 LP (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System, ECTS) have been successfully completed in the subjects of mathematics, physics, chemistry and earth sciences in the previous study program. At least 12 LP should come from the field of geosciences.

    Applicants who do not meet this admission requirement may be admitted if their application documents show a special professional qualification for the Master's program in Geosciences and thus an equivalence. Equivalence is determined by means of a case-by-case examination, in which relevant professional experience is also taken into account. The decision on this is made by the examination board. In cases of doubt, a selection interview may be held. Admission with conditions is possible.

    The Master's program in Geosciences requires advanced knowledge of the English language in order to be able to understand lectures in English well and to be able to independently prepare texts on specialized topics in English.
    The existence of sufficient language skills is determined by the Admissions Committee. Proof can be provided in the following ways:

    • by language certificates above level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference,
    • an admission interview conducted in English, or
    • by school reports which prove at least four years of instruction in English up to the degree entitling the holder to admission to higher education.
    • International applicants must provide evidence of German language skills at the level of DSH 2 or TestDaF 4x4.

    The application is possible via the online application portalExternal link of the Friedrich Schiller University.

    If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the study advisors.

    Documents required to complete the online application

    The following documents are necessary:

    1. Resume
    2. Letter of motivation
    3. Certificate of the first professionally qualifying university degree with study achievements of at least 180 LP (if already available at the time of application).
    4. If the professionally qualifying degree is not yet available at the time of application, the given level of achievement (with at least 140 LP relevant for the Master's program) must be submitted
    5. detailed grade overview of the first professionally qualifying university degree with indication of an average grade
    6. certificate of the university entrance qualification
    7. proof of English language skills (level B2 according to the European Framework of Reference)*.
    8. foreign applicants must submit proof of German language skills based on DSH-2, TestDaF 4x4 or an equivalent
    9. Applicants with a first professional university degree from the People's Republic of China, Mongolia or Vietnam must additionally submit proof of the certificate of the Academic Evaluation Service on the successful verification of the academic performance (APS certificate in original)
    10. proof of relevant practical experience, if applicable

    * Note on "proof of English language skills": Formally, proof of English proficiency at level B2 is required, however, the selection committee will decide whether your English proficiency is sufficient for the Master's program. For applicants with a German Abitur, proof of the Abitur certificate is sufficient. 

    Please note that all transcripts and certificates must be translated into German or English and additionally attached. The translations must be done by a sworn translator.

    When you are approved...

    As soon as you have been admitted to the master's program, you must submit all relevant certificates in the original or as certified copies for enrollment within a certain time limit at FSU. This deadline can be found in the admission letter that will be sent to you.

    Please note that the semester fee de must be paid in the course of enrollment.

    Contact persons and questions

    Further information can be found via the Master Service CenterExternal link.

    If you have any questions regarding application and enrollment, please contact the Student Advisory Service or the FSU Student Service Center de.

  • Study introduction days

    Shortly before the start of the lecture period of the new semester, Introductory Study Days (STET) are held. For the summer semester 2021, these will most likely take place online again. All students who are new to FSU Jena should participate.

    During these days, an overview of the study process will be given. You will be shown the most important buildings in the city (teaching buildings, examination office, library, refectories, ...) as well as introduced to the lecture halls, seminar rooms and laboratories in the IGW. You will also be familiarized with an important administrative website of the university - FriedolinExternal link.

    The study introduction days will make you understand the steps to compile your schedule and to register for modules and exams. In addition, a pre-course in mathematics is offered, which you should attend. If you want to deepen your knowledge in the direction of geophysics, you can also take the preliminary course of physics students, which then seamlessly transitions into the lecture "Mathematical Methods in Physics" (elective module in the 3rd semester). Above all, during these days you will already get to know your fellow students and make first contacts with the university staff. Members of the student council are happy to assist students and answer questions about the timetable, but also about things of everyday life.

    We are looking forward to meeting you!