collaborative project

Cooperation of the Friedrich Schiller University with the Ernst Abbe University of Applied Sciences

collaborative project
Image: Uni/FH

Within the framework of a multi-stage joint project funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research between the Bachelor's programs in Geosciences and Biogeosciences at Friedrich Schiller University Jena (FSU) and the Bachelor's program in Environmental Engineering and DevelopmentExternal link at Ernst Abbe University Jena (EAH), students have the opportunity to attend selected modules at the other university and receive credit for their examination performance in their own field of study. This offers FSU students the unique opportunity to individually and meaningfully supplement and expand their knowledge through the practice-oriented teaching of environmental technology aspects.

The response to the cooperation from students at both universities has been very positive so far. The lecturers have also played a major role in this. They are very accommodating and always endeavor to fill any gaps in knowledge or prior knowledge that may be lacking. Relevant aspects of the subject are briefly explained again, so that even the "non-specialist" students can follow the contents of the lectures and exercises without major problems. In addition, the exchange between the students of the different disciplines is extremely enriching: The partly different views and ways of thinking or approaches to solving problems complement each other excellently. Aspects that have received less attention so far can thus be brought into focus and stimulate reflection. The resulting multi-layered view of complex topics and problems promotes far-sighted thinking. In addition, new contacts can be made through the cooperation program that extend far beyond the scope of the lecture.

In which semester can I attend modules at EAH?

As a rule, it is recommended for students in the Bachelor of Geosciences program to attend the lectures from the 4th semester onwards.

How to find the EAH

From the city center, take bus line 10, 11 or 12 in the direction of Beutenberg / Ammerbach / Winzerla to the Ernst-Abbe-Hochschule stop.

Times and rooms of the EAH events

Times and rooms can be found on the EAH event pageExternal link.

Please enter the following data:

  • Course of studies: Bachelor: Environmental Engineering (and Development)
  • Semester: To be taken from the module descriptions in the table above
  • Group: all

Accessibility of the Institute of Geosciences (FSU)

From the city center with bus line 16 in the direction of Ziegenhainer Tal to stops Wöllnitzer Str. or Kernbergstraße. Small footpath next to the stop -> Burgweg 11

Times and rooms of the FSU events

The times and rooms can be found in the course catalogExternal link.

The necessary data (course of study, compulsory/elective module, semester) can be found in the module descriptions in the table above.

How do I register for the modules of the collaborative project?

You must register as a secondary student with the following documents:

You can also get the documents on the EAH project pageExternal link.

Contact person

For students of FSU For students of EAH
Daniel MirgorodskyExternal link
Anne Bärwinkel

Further information on the joint project and links