Forgin Campus

Staying abroad

Forgin Campus
Image: IGW

There are many opportunities to spend time abroad during your studies. In the following, some programs are briefly presented.

If you have any questions, please contact the International Office of the FSU Jena. You can find the contact details on the university page of the FSU JenaExternal link.

In the Master's program, it is possible to complete the research or project module or the Master's thesis abroad in cooperation with a university or research institute.

Important: Please always inform yourself beforehand which language requirements you have to fulfill in the respective host country! For stays in an English-speaking environment it is advantageous to take the optional course English for GeoscientistsExternal link in the winter semester. You will find it listed in the course catalog FriedolinExternal link. If you have any questions, please contact the person in charge of the module.

Study abroad


Erasmus+ is a program supported by the European Union. Its aim is to promote cross-border cooperation. Under the Erasmus+ program, a student is given the opportunity to study abroad at a partner university of the FSU for a period of 3 to 12 months in each stage of study (Bachelor and Master). Sufficient relevant language skills of the destination country must be proven beforehand. Financial support for an Erasmus stay is provided in the form of monthly scholarship installments of 180 to 300 €. Travel expenses and insurance coverage are not covered.

During the stay abroad, 30 ECTS credits per semester should be taken. By submitting a corresponding application to the examination board, achievements completed abroad can be (partially) recognized at the FSU. Please contact the academic advisor beforehand.

During your Erasmus stay you do not have to pay tuition fees at the host university. A waiver of the semester fee of the FSU Jena is possible.

For more information about the Erasmus program and the application process, please visit the FSU Jena website. The application deadline is usually January 15.

If you have any questions, please contact Prof. Dr. Kamil Ustaszewski (E-Mail).

For students at the Institute of Geosciences there are Erasmus cooperation agreements with the following universities:

DAAD PROMOS funding program

PROMOS is a funding program of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). Through various scholarship programs, individually designed study stays, theses, internships and student group trips (for sightseeing, workshops, etc.) abroad are financially supported.

Information about PROMOS can be found on the FSU page de.

Further worldwide exchange programs of the FSU Jena ...

... can be found on the university pageExternal link.

SEN-Student Exchange Network der Coimbra Group

FSU Jena has been a member of the Coimbra GroupExternal link since 1996. In this organization, several traditional European universities have joined forces to support and promote cooperation among themselves through research projects. The Coimbra Group financially supports study visits (1-2 semesters) at one of the participating universities

Go East

Go East is a joint initiative of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, the German Rectors' Conference (HRK) and the Committee on Eastern European Economic Relations (OA) to promote academic exchange with the countries of Central, Southeastern and Eastern Europe and the countries of the CIS.

Information about Go East: go-east.daad.deExternal link


Fulbright is a program that promotes exchange between the United States and more than 180 countries worldwide. The Fulbright program awards full, partial, or travel grants to students, professors, teachers, and foreign language assistants.

Information about Fulbright: www.fulbright.deExternal link


Image: IGW

Internships abroad


The Erasmus program also supports internships abroad in Europe. Funded are mediated or self-searched internships in companies, social institutions, etc. and partly also at universities. Stays of 2 to 12 months duration are financially supported per study phase (Bachelor, Master).

For more information, visit the university page de.

Leonardo da Vinci program for graduates

The Leonardo da Vinci program supports graduates (Diplom, Magister, Bachelor, Master, Doctorate) of all disciplines whose university degree was completed no longer than 5 years ago and whose place of residence is in Germany. Mediated or self-selected internship stays in Europe are supported by financial grants.

You can find more information at www.leonardopraktika.deExternal link.


IAESTEExternal link (International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience) is an internship exchange organization for engineering and science students, run by students for students. Many internships are offered, especially during the summer months. The internships are usually paid enough to cover the cost of living in the host country.

You can find more information at IASTE-Gruppe in JenaExternal link.


For more information and advice on internships abroad, please visit the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) websiteExternal link.