BSE-Bild des neues Minerals Argentotetraedrite-(Cd) (attr-Cd)

Argentotetraedrit-(Cd) - Ein neues Mineral

Unter Beteiligung von Prof. Majzlan ist es einem Team von Forschenden aus Deutschland, der Slowakei und und Tschechien gelungen einen neues Mineral zu entdecken und zu beschreiben. Das Mineral kommt aus der Tetraedrit-Tennantit-Gruppe und trägt den Namen Argentotetraedrit-(Cd) mit der chemischen Formel Ag6[Cu4Cd2]Sb4S13
BSE-Bild des neues Minerals Argentotetraedrite-(Cd) (attr-Cd)
Foto: Tomáš Mikuš

Argentotetrahedrite-(Cd) - A new mineral

A new mineral from the group of tetrahedrite-tennantite, was discovered and described in a collaboration between scientists from Slovakia, Czech Republic, and Germany. The new mineral is called argentotetrahedrite-(Cd) and has a simplified chemical formula Ag6[Cu4Cd2]Sb4S13. Cadmium is not a common element in natural ore mineralization and, therefore, its minerals are fairly rare. In this mineral, cadmium replaces much more common iron or zinc to that extent that it can be defined as a new, separate mineral species. The mineral was recognized by the International Mineralogical Association and we are preparing a publication presenting these results.

In the BSE-image below:

Heterogenous argentotetrahedrite-(Zn) (attr-Zn) and tetrahedrite-(Zn) (ttr-Zn) associated with argentotetrahedrite-(Cd) (attr-Cd) replaced by acanthite (aca) and galena (gn), Johan de Deo vein, Rudno nad Hronom.

BSE-image of the new mineral argentotetrahedrite-(Cd)
BSE-image of the new mineral argentotetrahedrite-(Cd)
Foto: Tomáš Mikuš